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  1. L

    Physical Address/Banking/Nomadic

    Well, maybe Cap One is the only bank that attempts to follow the policy to the strictest letter. I have other banks and have not heard from any of them.
  2. L

    Physical Address/Banking/Nomadic

    I'm teleworking, soon to retire and nomadic. I gave up my lease and have been using AirBnBs for lodging until permanent retirement, a few months away. At that time, I will be leaving this area. My mail is handled by a forwarding service (but almost all of it is paperless) - the address I pay...
  3. L

    Would appreciate comments - close to relative ER, concerned about risk

    Since International equities have had a good run recently after lagging for so many years...shift a little over to domestic equities? I keep eyeballing that. What has held me back, thus far, is triggering capital gains taxes, since that chunk is in a taxable account. My one concern would be...
  4. L

    Would appreciate comments - close to relative ER, concerned about risk

    That particular fund is a guaranteed bond fund for government employees. My understanding is that it does not lose principal. The name of it is the G Fund, if you are interested in looking into it.
  5. L

    Would appreciate comments - close to relative ER, concerned about risk

    Have you run your plan through FireCalc? It's a good first "sanity check." Thank you. I need to do this to help refine my SWR.
  6. L

    Would appreciate comments - close to relative ER, concerned about risk

    As part of your preparation for RE I would determine what percentage of your holdings will be equities vs fixed income, and what percentage of your equity holdings will be domestic vs international. That will help you to position your portfolio properly for the long term. Yes, I am looking...
  7. L

    Would appreciate comments - close to relative ER, concerned about risk

    Hi all, thanks I am 57. One question I have is on the social security. It looks a bit high considering that you are retiring early. Did you make sure to include $0 income in the years until retirement? Only reason I ask is because I am fairly well compensated and when I do the same calculation...
  8. L

    Interesting viewpoint on credit cards

    Credit is a great tool for me, allows me to earn hundreds of dollars per year I would otherwise not have earned.
  9. L

    Would appreciate comments - close to relative ER, concerned about risk

    Good morning - I've been doing a lot of reading about creating bond tents, developing glide paths, etc. for those nearing retirement. I am planning to retire next year, 2019, and I am concerned about any significant market corrections between now and then - when I'll have more a lot more time...
  10. L

    Real Estate Issues in Retirement

    I've been thinking more about this. Maybe I am nuts (wouldn't be the first time lol). When I retire, I will be entitled to receive a reasonably smallish pension - about $22K/year. I'm talking about a town where it's possible to buy a nice SFH for $200K. I was actually planning to spend somewhat...
  11. L

    Real Estate Issues in Retirement

    Good evening all. I'm retiring approximately one year from now. I live in a high cost of living area. I sold my home a few years ago in preparation for retirement. I currently rent an apartment and plan to leave this area at the end of 2018. I am planning to live much of the year in...
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