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  1. P

    What stretch of your career was or is the hardest? (Class of 2026 through 2029?)

    I was a high school science teacher for the last 23 years. The hardest stretch was really the first 2-3 years. I wasn't burnt out I was busting my butt to get good. Once I was on top of things I didn't find the job hard. Even the last year when I was burning out and Covid was changing schools it...
  2. P

    Mental Accounting - Retiring at the Beginning of a Downturn

    Isn't that one of the perks of retiring early. If you wait until 65/67 you are likely to lose all the bum fights!
  3. P

    New Variant Vaccine

    Moderna booster and flue shot this afternoon. Spouse got the booster on Wed. We didn't want to both be wiped out if we happened to have bad side effects. So far all either of us have had has been sore arms.
  4. P

    50 and getting a push to FIRE?

    I"ll join the chorus of saying that you are doing fine and don't need to worry. Even so I wouldn't want to go into retirement with that distribution of assets. But that is because I am not knowledgeable about crypto or what you list as alternative investments. Unlike many of the posters here...
  5. P

    Any Japan Travel Tips?

    If you can handle the getting down and back up involved spend at least one night in a traditional hotel. I loved the experience and slept well. My wife was not as happy as the mats did not do enough to cushion her hips but still found two nights to be acceptable. Be willing to go off the...
  6. P

    What We’re Smoking (or Grilling, or Curing)!

    I've been loving the 12+ pound briskets from Kroger at $1.99 a pound. I slice them in half and turn one end into brisket and the other gets brined and turned into pastrami. Except the one that is brining right now; I'm going to do the entire 15 lbs as pastrami to take to a family get reunion.
  7. P

    Experian misunderstanding Fire

    I understand. On the other hand I can see the point. I've always live well under my means. To me it isn't a major lifestyle change or a reduced standard of living because I seem to naturally resonate with the idea of enough from Your Money or Your Life. Other people don't seem to be wired that...
  8. P

    Experian misunderstanding Fire

    While a lot of the people here reached financial independence by steady savings and then retired early in our 50s that isn't the story that really propelled FIRE to the public eye. I don't follow FIRE podcasts now but MMM, ERE, and most of the other early high profile advocates of FIRE did push...
  9. P

    Vanguard - last straw?

    Off topic but it is interesting that you mention that as I was just looking at my four or so "legacy" funds created with the individual fund companies back in the early 90s and wondering if it would be worth it to move them to my brokerage account.
  10. P

    Air travel and CBD

    Does it have to be edibles? Since EU laws seem to prohibit edibles (although CBD capsules below the 0.2% limit are able to be purchased over the counter in Germany) I would suggest taking all of your US edibles prior to landing in Germany and then purchasing CBD capsules in Germany for the...
  11. P

    Do You Hide Your Financial Success From Others?

    I could have sworn I posted in this thread but I guess not. I don't specifically hide anything but because of our desires to be FI we generally aren't flaunting anything. With family I've been fairly open about the fact that we did get some money from my FIL's estate. From one conversation I'm...
  12. P

    If only one vehicle, which one?

    It's a tough choice. I feel a minivan is overall superior to an SUV but there aren't any BEV minivans and if I was being forced to go for one vehicle I'd want a BEV. Which means something like the Ioniq 5 would be it right now.
  13. P

    What inspires and motivates you to FIRE?.

    As much as I hate counseling a negative point of view but between health and agism I have to agree. You might not need to act on the plan but it is good to have it.
  14. P

    4% Rule (xx% "rule" or 25-30x expenses) Question

    You could say that although 1% is much more than what I estimated by lumpy costs would be if spread out evenly.
  15. P

    Amtrak - Going BIG!

    I wanted to do the Trans Siberian. I even got really into planning for the possibility of leaving Korea by shipping our stuff off to the US while we fly to Beijing to pick up the train into Russia. Covid and now the war have destroyed those plans though. Your trip sounds great.
  16. P

    What inspires and motivates you to FIRE?.

    Very true. Much of my 15 year plan to retire early was based on wanting to have time prior to slowing down!
  17. P

    45th High School Reunion or No?

    I can't see any reason to attend. There are a few people that I wouldn't mind getting together with in person (versus watching each other over Facebook) but from what I see on Facebook we probably don't have that much in common anymore other than kids of similar ages.
  18. P

    4% Rule (xx% "rule" or 25-30x expenses) Question

    Depends on how you think about it. I have planned based on 3% yet I trust the 4% number. That extra 1% is my lumpy expense fund. I have also done spreadsheets with the annual accounting fiction of earmarking funds for designated expenses (new car, large house maintenance, and so on) but as we...
  19. P

    What inspires and motivates you to FIRE?.

    My original inspiration was Bob Brinker's radio program way back in the late 80s and early 90s. We were newly married, already saving because it seemed like the right thing to do, and both fairly analytical. I haven't listened to his shown in probably 30 years and I never really bought into the...
  20. P

    No Ending - Covid Testing For Returning Americans

    I have to laugh a little at this. Here in Korea the US requirement of a RAT test prior to entry seems easy to get and relatively cheap. Meanwhile the requirement to get a PCR test within two days prior to reentry into Korea seems expensive and hard to get since most PCR test sites want to say...
  21. P

    Traveling in retirement survey?

    Age 55/55 Not quite retired - three months to go. Budgeted for 10k Our very conservative budget has a line item for travel but I'm sure it will change. Right now we are dealing with aging parents and a possible move within the US. So our travel will be a lot of driving to see family and do...
  22. P

    Preparing for the 22nd Century

    I've toyed with a similar thought but I've always come back to the idea that an undeveloped or very slightly developed piece of land isn't much good. Perhaps your decedents will move too it at some point but there is a good chance that it will always remain in the boondocks and if it does become...
  23. P

    Dealing with MAGI uncertainty

    Inertia mainly (which argues for the state plan!) as we have never gotten around to a financial cleaning house. Roughly 2/3rds of our money is not tax advantaged in any way. Plus we still have mutual funds from our first big round of investing in the late 80s. They've been good enough that we've...
  24. P

    Dealing with MAGI uncertainty

    Yes, the simplicity makes me lean hard into the retiree healthcare route. Yet I still feel the pain looking at the difference as I wait until age sixty.
  25. P

    Dealing with MAGI uncertainty

    In a couple of months I'm going to have a choice between staying on state extended benefits for insurance (slightly expensive for 5 more years but then cheap after I turn 60 and technically retire) or get an ACA plan (potentially cheaper but more expensive if the cliff comes back and we go over...
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