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    Now what

    Hello, I am 46 years old and recently retired, not exactly by choice, more by circumstance. I have roughly 2.1M in retirement accounts and 1.1M in non retirement accounts. I have found the accumulation phase to be a lot easier to manage than the post retirement period. My question is how...
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    I am 43 and I was just gifted part of my inheritance early. I now have 2.7M not counting house or efund. My grandmothers lived until about 90, my mother 86 and my father is almost 90. Given all of this data what would you consider a safe withdrawal rate if I were to leave the workforce and never...
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    Planning to retire in 7 years now

    Hi, Just figured I would do a three year follow up to show how things have progressed. 43 now with no kids and want to retire at 50. Own house with about 79K left on the mortgage. Value is probably around 240K. ~975K in 401K - max it out yearly ~424K in a gift trust that is parked in a...
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    Am I overlooking a better option?

    Hi folks. Comcast subscriber here about to lose anti-virus protection. I was wondering if any brokerages offered both free tax software and anti-virus protection? I have under 1M in a Trowe Roth and under 500K in my Fidelity account. Any advice or thoughts on the matter would be greatly...
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    Help me choose my next car

    Simple and sweet. I am interested in Awd and self parking, I don’t want an SUV. so far I have found my best option to be a Prius. Self parking is a rare feature. Any good options I have overlooked? I don’t want to spend over 50K. Thanks.
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    I recently read that REITs are highly tax inefficient and should not be held in non tax advantaged accounts. Of course my very small holding is sitting in a regular brokerage account that I was contributing to every other week. That said what is my best move? I have a Roth IRA but I already...
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    Roth vs traditional 401k

    I just found out that I am able to contribute to both a Roth and a traditional 401k at work simultaneously. I am still subject to the 19500k limit. While I like reducing my tax liability by 19500 every year I have to wonder when I have a 401k with already over 600k in it and I want to retire in...
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    Fidelity 5 question FIRE calculator - # of yrs left to retirement

    someone posted a link to a five question FIRE calculator on Fidelity’s site. It told you the number of years you had left to retirement. I lost the page I had opened and I have searched everywhere and can not locate it. Can someone please provide the link? Many thanks.
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    Amount of money needed in savings prior to RE

    I wanted to find out what the consensus was on how many years of reserves one should have available when you retire. Five years? I tried searching on this topic and did not find anything that covered this. Thanks,
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    Social Security Benefit Calculator Question

    I feel really dumb but I really cannot figure this out. I am just at the beginning of entering my information in. I put in my birthday, moved to the second screen (supplemental worker information) and put in my normal retirement date given my age. I choose none for everything else. Then it...
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    Pay off mortgage? (yes this old question)

    Hi, I am curious to see what your thoughts might be on my situation. I am fully maxed out on 401K, Roth IRA, HSA and am contributing to a non tax advantaged account as well. Over 1M invested. 42 and hoping to retire in 8 years. I have 86K left on the mortgage and about 108K in cash. The...
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    looking for portfolio advice/critiques

    42 years old here. Fully maxed out emergency fund. Maxes out 401K and Roth and HSA. 10 years left on the mortgage, no other debt. 401K is split 40/40/20 with 40 long term mid cap growth. 40 mid cap value index and 20 in international fund. Most of my money is in the 401K and I am not too...
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    To HSA or not HSA?

    So I am faced with the decision of doing an HSA this year. (Instead of doing regular flexible spending) My standard plan is a PPO where I pay zero deductible and then co-pays for doctor visits and rx's. The HSA would have a $1500 deductible and then once met doctor visits are $0 and rx co-pays...
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    where to put extra money

    Hi, So I saved up more money than necessary for my taxes this year. (5K ish) My 401K and Roth IRA are both maxed out. So I have two non-tax advantaged accounts what I am putting in my excess money. I also have slashed my monthly expenses and would like to be contributing at least $100 a month...
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    hearing aids

    So my father, 86 years old, needs hearing aids. Last time we went through this the doctor said that they would cost 5K and he got them and he said that they were uncomfortable and did not work well. I know that there are tons of companies online that offer hearing amplifiers with money back...
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    Planning to retire in 10 years

    Hello! This site is awesome! I am a single 40 year old with no kids and have the desire to return at 50. 55 is probably more realistic but might as well set my goals high. About me: Own house with about 135K left on the mortgage. Value is probably around 220K. ~525K in 401K - max it out yearly...
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