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  1. K

    Are we on track?

    I think you are on track if you can keep pumping $120k/year into saving for the next 8 years and the market is cooperating. Your 529 seems too high to me. Let them have some skin in the game. I will never give my kids a free ride even I can afford it but it may be just me.
  2. K

    The countdown has ended

    I can't agree more. I was a workaholic too. I don't even want to open my email in the morning. Can't explain why this happens.
  3. K

    Pretty Sure We’re Never Retiring...Need Advice

    OP needs to fix their spending problems. Quit spending is harder than quit smoking. There is no point even considering debt problems if one can't fix spending problem.
  4. K

    What % of Net Worth on a Boat

    If you went to Annapolis and spent good part of your life in USN, you probably got tired of any boat.;D;D
  5. K

    2020 Census - ER Members

    I was watching value of my portfolio almost daily, hating my job and wanting to quit as early as possible. But once I reached my magic number, I started not hating my job and sometimes even enjoying it. So I’m squarely FI but not RE yet.
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