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  1. L

    Sloping/bouncy/squeaky floors - adding beams with adjustable posts under home

    Home is about 12 years old. It was built by a reputed builder, but I have been experiencing the following issues recently (or actually increasingly getting worse over the last few years) 1) Increasingly squeaky floor in some areas (first floor, directly above a crawlspace). Both wood floor and...
  2. L

    Impatience - and dealing with it

    I have 9 more years to go, per plan. 2031. More and more recently (esp as 2022 was born) I find myself getting very impatient at times - I become moody, jumpy more and more as I get "closer" to my retirement; which is crazy because 9 years is not a short amount of time. A lot could happen by...
  3. L

    Race to 2031 - please join :)

    Inspired by the "Race to 2024" thread :) Will be 56 by 2031. Primary home should be paid off. Our retirement home should be ready and ideally we will be in it. Goal retirement funds is around 3M retirement funds, and 10k per mo spending. As 2022 starts up, I find myself losing patience as i am...
  4. L

    Deferred Compensation -- how to use it to RE sooner

    I just got a promotion at work and that makes me freshly eligible to participate in employer provided Deferred Compensation program. I am able to defer up to 75% of my salary and up to 100% of my yearly bonus, both pre-tax (part of the "deferring" is to defer paying taxes). The deferred amount...
  5. L

    Sabbatical at work -- paid time off vs. cash

    I am eligible to take a sabbatical at my company - yay. Its a pretty big deal and only about 10% of the company qualifies (combination of tenure and how far up the career ladder u happen to have climbed). I have the option to cash out the sabbatical - I get 8 weeks of pay. OR I can take 8 weeks...
  6. L

    Indian in US; hoping to retire in US+India

    Indian here, naturalized US citizen. 43 yrs old. DW is 40. Been here pretty much my entire adult life. HCOL. Tech. NW is $1.25M. 80% in 401k/RothIRA, 20% in company stock. Home worth about $1M. Have 65% equity, accelerating principal payment to payoff in ~8 yrs. (roughly by my 50th birthday)...
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