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  1. B

    Career advice sought for young student about to start college.

    My advice would be to pick serveral possibilities and compared there class requirements. The first year of college classes can be used towards just about any major and the percentage decreases to maybe around 50% the second year. It is not until the third year that you really start taking the...
  2. B

    Net worth calculator

    Anyone know where to find a calculator that will do the same for your state?
  3. B

    Do You Hide Your Financial Success From Your Kids?

    Me too. 2020 at 48. 49 now. :)
  4. B

    Playing Fido

    I have about $1MM in Fidelity and $1MM in Vanguard. I was kind of Vanguard die hard years ago but now I prefer Fidelity. I like Fidelity's website way better and you can do so much more. Anyhow...This made me think about meeting with a Fidelity rep in my area, but there are none here in south...
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    Overfunded Retirement Strategies

    Right now I am just letting it all ride. Too early to start giving it away. I still have kids at home. I've been thinking about moving a portion to more conservative investments. Hard to pull any out of the market the way thinks have been going. Guess I will have to wait it out if...
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