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  1. E

    Poll: How do you budget?

    I'm obsessive-compulsive when it comes to budgeting. I have a spreadsheet that estimates my budget for the next 12 months so that I can invest every additional penny.
  2. E

    What percentage of your portfolio is tax deferred

    We are currently at 32% Roth, 60% traditional, and 8% HSA, but I expect that number to change pretty drastically. Only about 12% of our contributions are going into Roth accounts. We should probably do more into Roth, but I can't resist the tax savings today.
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    Baseball 2019

    I fell asleep in the 6th inning when the game was still 2-2. I woke up to quite a surprise this morning. Who would have thought the Nats would be better without Bryce Harper?
  4. E

    15 years is a long time, but at least it won't be 40...

    I'm probably misunderstanding and misrepresenting it. The $150k is the value of all the contributions and interest over our careers, so I'm assuming that will be the NPV at the time we retire. I don't know how the payout works, except that neither of us can start drawing from it until we are 60...
  5. E

    thoughts on jury duty

    I've never been called upon for jury duty. I imagine that I would be pretty annoyed at having to alter my life for it, especially when I wouldn't trust my future in the hands of some strangers off the street.
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    15 years is a long time, but at least it won't be 40...

    I'm not sure how we'll handle college or healthcare yet. That's all a long time from now, so I'm sure the political climate and system will change so much that planning now will be pointless. As far as college goes (if things do not change between now and then), I do not know what our plan is...
  7. E

    15 years is a long time, but at least it won't be 40...

    Thanks! We've started trying to take more trips, paid for by credit card bonuses. However, as we learned last week, it's very difficult to enjoy a vacation with a baby in tow. We have some hobbies that we enjoy, though the wife does feel...deprived...occasionally. I think that's just because...
  8. E

    Laptop as a primary home computer?

    I have a ~6 year old Asus gaming laptop that serves as our home computer. Since I don't really game anymore, it's been a bit inconvenient. It can't run without being plugged in anymore, and it occasionally (hasn't happened in a few months actually) gets a blue screen of death that I believe is...
  9. E

    NFL: 2019 Season

    As a hockey fan, I want to thank the NFL for having worse officiating than the NHL.
  10. E

    15 years is a long time, but at least it won't be 40...

    The 457(b) can be accessed penalty-free at any age, as long as I am no longer employed at the same entity. If I were to stay with my current employer for the next 15 years, that account alone would last until my early 60s. If I leave sooner, it should at least provide a buffer so that I can set...
  11. E

    15 years is a long time, but at least it won't be 40...

    Hello everyone! I discovered the FIRE movement a year ago or so and have made a lot of changes since then. I'm starting a little late, as I didn't even graduate college until I was 30 (currently 31). My wife is a teacher, and I am a Tennessee state government auditor. We have a 1 year-old child...
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