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  1. Y

    Bank released our mortgage by accident??

    Another good point.
  2. Y

    Yelnad, back from a break...

    We have 2 little girls! 4 months and 2.5 years
  3. Y

    Bank released our mortgage by accident??

    My husband was checking the county online records yesterday to see if the deed was recorded yet for the gas rights we recently sold on some acreage. It wasn't there, but he did find a surprise. There was a "Satisfaction Piece" filed by the bank that holds the mortgage on our primary...
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    Yelnad, back from a break...

    Hi all. I joined the forum in 2004 and was active on and off until 2007. It looks like my most recent break began with the birth of our first child in September 2007. Our second was born in December 2009. I'm 35 and DH is 40. We have 1 dog. I work as an advisor at a university and am currently...
  5. Y

    Who does this???

    We routinely buy tax sale and sheriff sale properties without being able to get inside them. Of course, when you're only paying $1200, you know that the lot is worth at least that.
  6. Y

    Grocery purchases and coupon

    I use coupons mostly for toothpaste, personal and cleaning products. Most of them are free or less than 50c each after the doubling. I have a stock that will last me quite awhile. If you keep an eye on the coupons in the paper, they usually do match the sales in the supermarkets. I use them if...
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    What's your middle name?

    Like most females born in the 50s, 60s, or 70s, my middle name is Marie.
  8. Y

    Pros and Cons of New Forum Software

    Oh smack! That marks the ENTIRE forum as read!! Is there a way to just mark particular sections of the forum as read? Like "Young Dreamers" for instance?
  9. Y

    Pros and Cons of New Forum Software

    Ah ha! Thanks.
  10. Y

    Pros and Cons of New Forum Software

    Is there a "mark all posts as read" button? I can't find one.
  11. Y

    Frontline for fleas and ticks

    I have found that Frontline Plus works the best for us. We have a stream through our yard, so the ticks are plentiful. I usually buy online from an Aussie source. They also sell on ebay.
  12. Y

    Help with Financial Aid Decision

    Wow. That's great.
  13. Y

    Meet the Next Billionaires

    This article in Newsweek spotlights some undergraduates that I know at work (I was the one kids advisor for awhile). They turned down two million for their software for a better offer. Some days I think I'm underpaid. After all, I'm helping mold them into productive adults. haha.
  14. Y

    Does anyone here ride ATV's or dirtbikes?

    We only ride on our own property (22 acres and home and 250 acres at Dad's hunting camp).
  15. Y

    anyone with a phd?

    I always thought I wanted a PhD and eventually pursued it. I only applied to one program, which was one of the top in the country and the closest to where I physically lived. They recruited me heavily and fully funded me in a research assistantship. I attended for 2 years and completed all of my...
  16. Y

    Pets. How strong is the bond?

    Our bond with our two dogs is very strong. I had my lab before I met my husband, and I often remind him that she was here first. And I mean it. She got me through a really rough time in my life. We spend over $500 a year on meds for the lab. Vet bills probably run about $1000 a year for the 2...
  17. Y

    Do you Scooba?

    I have both and they haven't solved my cleaning problems. I'm still too lazy to run them! There's a great message board here: It's very helpful.
  18. Y

    NBC airing of Cho Video - discussion

    I think we should be focusing on the victims and profiling their lives. Showing anything about Cho just gives him what he wanted.
  19. Y

    Celebrate birthdays at work?

    We celebrate birthdays once a month and you're on the published bday list whether you like it or not. There is usually cake or cupcakes, punch, and fruit. Usually 2-3 people will sign up to bring in the goodies for that month. Everyone gathers and sings, but it's not forced.
  20. Y

    Virginia Tech shooting and gun control

    Actually, he was a South Korean green card holder who was in the US since 1992 legally. He was eligible to apply for citizenship, but never did.
  21. Y

    Does anyone here ride ATV's or dirtbikes?

    We have a 4x4 Polaris Sport that I love. We bought it used from someone who needed some quick cash. I grew up on ATVs, so we use it for both yard work and for play. We're thinking about a plow for next year.
  22. Y

    What's your dog's name?

    Hehe. Judy and Pete are very fitting weiner dog names!
  23. Y

    Virginia Tech shooting and gun control

    The shooter's family still needs to be notified, since he killed himself. They also said he had no ID on him, although some students said he was of Asian descent. That doesn't narrow it down much.
  24. Y

    What's your dog's name?

    Bow, short for Christmas Bow Tye - chocolate lab - She came with the name when I adopted her. Luke Duke, but we call him Luke most of the time - he's a terrier mix - Since we had a Bow, we needed a Luke also. There are no plans for a Daisy.
  25. Y

    Do you Freecycle?

    Thanks! This one is wooden and not painted. It's actually fairly new and has all of the documentation that came with it when it was new.
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