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  1. U

    Is our routine negative?

    Normal routine: Go to office, work (if not in court maybe 2-3 hours a day), do property maintenance, log on and check financials and the news, work out, dinner at home (watch news), either watch tv or get togther with friends. Now on holiday (a couple of weeks in the southwest). Routine: Get...
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    new york real estate closing

    Elderly relative is selling house in New York. Anyone recently sold house or is familar with me out a bit. Here (Michigan) we use Title Insurance and close at the Title Insurance company with buyer's check being written to the Title Company and payments (taxes, broker...
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    Income investing in IRA

    I'm at a loss for new ideas, so I'll pose this question to the Forum to see what others are doing here. IMO tax advantaged investments should be place outside of tax deferred vehicles such as IRA's. So dividend stocks, MLP's, Canroys (special situation re foreign tax credit) shouldn't be in an...
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    Movie reviews

    Recently saw two movies, both worth seeing. The World's Fastest Indian with Anthony Hopkins. New Zealander and his Indian motorcycle makes it to the salt flats in Utah to try at the speed record. Venus with Peter O'Toole. Old actor living his last days. Both films have an underlying theme...
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    Stock screener help

    I've been looking for a stock screener that has an ADR or a country function, but have not been able to locate one so far. Any ideas? Tio z
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    Mexico report

    Just got back from an extended stay in Mexico on the Carribean side (Playa del Carmen, Cozumel, Isla Mujeres). We've gone to Mexico many times over the past years, have not been to the Carribean for quite a while though. Mostly we go to the Pacific Coast because when we go we are looking for sun...
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    Advice to younger family members

    I know that this topic has been gone over in threads before, but I'm asking for advice on a specific question. The follow up article to the Millionaire Next Door got me thinking that maybe this Forum will have some good advice. The next generation (kids, nieces, nephews, cousins, etc) in my...
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    Exercises for better posture

    One thing that I notice is that as age creeps up, time is spent in front of the computer, etc, posture seems to deteriorate. This is especially true with rounded shoulders and head seeming to lean forward rather that straight. Been exercising regularly for years and have taken up yoga. So, the...
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    Ever regretted moving south?

    It's cold (19 degrees F) , it's snowing, got up at six this moring to snowblow the drive (thank goodness for electric starters!), in other words, winter is here. So I got to thinking, I know family, friends, hometowns are all up north, but has anyone, RE or not, who moved south where it's warmer...
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    Where do you get reliable news?

    Had a discussion about where to get news that is actually reliable. We agreed that FOX has a bias in its reporting and therefore can't rely on their news. CBS and NY Times have recently had verification problems. As FinanceDude has pointed out in another threat, you cannot believe postings on...
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    To those living/spending time in Thailand

    I waited a few weeks after the coup to let things settle down a bit. How has the coup impacted day to day living/visiting Thailand, if at all?
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    Super size me

    We just watched Super Size Me (man eats only at McDonald's for a month) and the discussion went on to how difficult it is to eat a "healthy" diet while eating out/taking out. We eat out once or twice a week, and prepare our own food otherwise. We know people who eat out at least once a day...
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    Is MBA program worth the cost?

    I know that soup was looking into the MBA program after a couple of years of management track employment at a multinational corp, so this is a follow up question to him and also to those who have experience in finance/management/consulting. A MBA from a top program runs some $60,000+ a year. ...
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    retiree health care and hippa

    been reading a few of the topics on healthcare which brings another question to mind. If healthcare is available at retirement, but before 65 and medicare, and then the company cancels (as many apparently are doing) does the retiree then have COBRA continutation? Is that for 18 months? Does...
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    new place, new friends, new activities

    Most of our friends became friends through sports (used to play league softball and basketball), work, or through the kids (amazing how many people you can meet through soccer, football and band practice), or an expansion of those circles. Religious services and volunteer work haven't resulted...
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    Medicare supplement

    We are still a long way off from medicare and at this point purchasing our full medical insurance or self insuring.  At some point we will reach 65 and then be covered by medicare.  In another post HaHa raised an interesting point regarding medicare and supplemental coverages. As I understand...
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    Natural gas system structure

    I've got to admit I'm not well versed in the structure of the natural gas markets and the supply infrastructure for natural gas. The price has gone up significantly in wake of the general energy price rise and the two hurricanes, yet I don't have a clear understanding of the components of the...
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    credit card for foreign travel

    This topic is a follow up to the credit card rewards topic. I have noticed that all of the cards that I have (the usual suspects -- mc/visa/etc) have recently sent notice that all foreign (non us dollar) transactions will be converted with a 3% premium added for the conversion. Any thoughts on...
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    Individual Health Insurance Termination

    We presently are covered under a retiree health insurance. The writing on the wall seems to be that this type of coverage will, at some time, not be available. I have been looking at purchasing individual coverage to which the termination/non discrimination protections of HIPPA do not apply...
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    Hi, I'm uncledrz

    Hi I'm uncledrz, not yet retired, not yet at least. Kids are grown up, dw retired a few years ago and is doing very, very well at it. I've been reading the posts here for a while and am impressed by the variety of ways that the er's have done it! Well done! I'm mid 50's, under almost all...
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