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  1. greg

    dog enlightenment

  2. greg

    Who Knows about Milk?

    As I previously said, I'm mildly worried about it all. I truly think much of what is called modern food production, its parts and processes, are all suspect. I'm sure some will be found to be neutral or actually beneficial at some point. But every time I do even a small bit of investigation...
  3. greg

    Who Knows about Milk?

    Amusing and tautological for me and my little world: How is margarine made? If you know the full details, you cannot possibly think that it is healthy. Yet many health experts still do. Who in their right mind would eat this stuff if they knew its dirty little secret? Again, thru the efforts...
  4. greg

    Who Knows about Milk?

    #151 Nice post. :D I slept on what I wrote last nite and this morning sort of came up with the following: Again, things can't be too complicated nor too [-]worthless[/-] simple either. I suspect that if we had a basic three or four category grading system that could easily be identified...
  5. greg

    Who Knows about Milk?

    I thought the trifecta of modern evil was completed with the mention of Bush not communism. Just a short response about accurate food labeling tonite: There are lots of ways we do label things and the way, perhaps, we should label things. First, we could catagorize all food accurately as...
  6. greg

    Who Knows about Milk?

    OK, so above is a perfect example of spinning around in nowhereville--Tony Snow style--as best as I can see. You previously stated that 'enlightened self interest' was important to you. I assumed you meant that this is probably important for others to experience also, that good information...
  7. greg

    Who Knows about Milk?

    I think you know that I can't give loads of scientific/technical data for support of my position. First, it may not be there. There is a chance that no one has large studies of the effect of small doses of toxic entities. Anyway, I don't have easy access. My food choice philosophy has...
  8. greg

    Who Knows about Milk?

    ERD50: In my previous post I was talking about genetically modified foods and potential consequences. Here, I'd like to return and explicate an earlier post because I didn't do a good job. And it appeared like it was an ad hominem attack, which I'm sorry it had the appearance of. You had...
  9. greg

    Who Knows about Milk?

    ERD50: OK, here I go again. You responded to Ladelfina and I'll add my two cents worth. I believe genetically engineered crops are still forbidden in Europe. Those folks, the Euro gov't anyway, have decided that all the facts are not in yet, that there is the possibility that such...
  10. greg

    Who Knows about Milk?

    OK, I'm back from the basement and ready to go again. But I'll try to be a bit nicer--except when I can't. Like here. It always bothers me when I see perceptual choices like the above, ERD50. You are casting choices into an either-or scenerio and then saying the choice is only one or the...
  11. greg

    Who Knows about Milk?

    And I responded in kind with a whack-o over-statement about poodle skirts also. My real response wasn't in the first paragraph but in the second. And I never attacked your poodle skirt comment or saw it as an argument point. I believe I saw your point and demonstrated that understanding by...
  12. greg

    Who Knows about Milk?

    samclem: flippant Main Entry: flip·pant Pronunciation: 'fli-p&nt Function: adjective Etymology: probably from 1flip 1 archaic : GLIB, TALKATIVE 2 : lacking proper respect or seriousness It got political for me when I perceived you acting like Bush-leaguer. When Tony Snow...
  13. greg

    Who Knows about Milk?

    ERD50: Ditto for you too. No, the above is NOT a logical or rational conclusion. It's an absurdity used to attempt a cheap, manipulative win. A rational, logical, and real world conclusion would be to find out if, for example, the wearing of poodle skirts does cause degenerative or...
  14. greg

    Who Knows about Milk?

    Who woulda thunk a thread on milk could go political? So, as momma bear might say, we don't want to run this thread too hot nor let this little node just shrivel up. samclem: I have trouble with a bit of your logic. You said "No, we know exactly what causes all of these things...
  15. greg

    Who Knows about Milk?

    ERD50: Raining here today. "the safest, cheapest food . . . in history" I just don't know if that is even close to true. First, we do have loads of food (that comes mostly from the middle of the store) that is just loaded with various preservatives of all sorts--including salts. Many of...
  16. greg

    incentivizing green

    I just read a brief article that talked about the five milligrams of mercury in florescent bulbs and the subsequent problems with recycling those bulbs. It seems to me that one way to incentivize recycling these bulbs might be to offer one free bulb for every five dead bulbs turned in at the...
  17. greg

    Who Knows about Milk?

    I've gradually reduced my use of regular store bought cheese. I don't want all the salt and chemicals. I recently found out about panir. It's a fresh cheese made on the stove: boil up two quarts of milk, add juice from abut one or two lemons, and stir until the fresh cheese separates from...
  18. greg

    Another reason to avoid Texas

    We need to be, um, fair to Texas here. It's also the place were a few of the greatest non- or anti- varmints came from too: Gene Autry, Larry Hagman, Anna (sp?) Nicole Smith, and Dr. Pepper.
  19. greg

    Who Knows about Milk?

    T-Al: I'm not a milkman, but I play one on message boards. But I always try to get the purist milk available from the local store. If organic is available, that's what I get. I do know that dairy cows can be loaded with hormones and antibiotics and, um, nasty stuff. This may be causing the...
  20. greg

    In the vestibule at the fork in the road

    ;) The real secret of it all.
  21. greg

    Gentlemen's Stock Picking Club

    Right! As is the young lady from Missoula. The real good stuff will always be in the compounding. heh heh eh. The new and modern Norwegian-American [-]widow[/-] spouse working on her [-]third[/-] fourth well off husband: The dividend is dandy, but compounding is quicker.
  22. greg

    Gentlemen's Stock Picking Club

    unclemick: I still have about 20% in very low dividend stocks or, ahem, growth stocks. That's my outside limit and I'm stickin to it . . . although I've made some minor adjustments in how I regard ETFs. But I still try to steer clear of non-dividend focued ETFs as much as possible unless...
  23. greg

    Hep me, hep me, please!

    AltaRed: Thanks. I'm fairly comfortable with this outfit. I owned Suncor (SU) for a year or so and sold because it doubled, thinking it got ahead of itself. My mistake because it's more than doubled again since then. I prefer the larger 5% divi with COS. And, yes, I know they extract their...
  24. greg

    Hep me, hep me, please!

    I've put in a limit order on PWE. I'm hoping for a small dip over the next week or two. In addition, I'll take my gains portion from PWI and put that into an initial, small position in Canadian Oil Sands (COS-UN.TO). This will by my purer 'Canadian TIPS bond-like thingie.' It pays out about...
  25. greg

    Gentlemen's Stock Picking Club

    unclemick: What happen to your hormones?:rolleyes: I remember you used to use the term "hormone money," for your speculative investments? That's what kind of got me started about separating the thinking part of the portfolio from the emotionally charged, wild part.
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