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    Weird unknown deposit into a Roth account

    I had $189 deposited into one of my Roth accounts. In the activity report it just said "cash", no clue about where it was from. I messaged Fidelity and they said it was a credit card reward. But my Fidelity CC's both deposit into my checking account, not the Roth, and don't show anything close...
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    KFF Survey of Employer Health Benefits

    Here's a link to a summary page that has a link to the full report: "Annual premiums for employer sponsored family health coverage reached $20,576 this year, up 5% from last year, with workers on average paying $6,015...
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    Man treads water for 20 hours so he can retire

    Some recent news DW pointed me to (link has auto-start video among lots of ads): Man Treads Water for 20 Hours While Awaiting Rescue After Fall From Fishing Boat - Inside Edition "A 61-year-old man stranded in the Gulf of Mexico without a life jacket, tread water for 20 hours in a desperate...
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    Wade Pfau (again) on Financial Advice

    Sorry to once again shill for Dr. Pfau. Seems like every article gets posted here. I thought this gave a nice checklist of things to think about when deciding whether to hire an advisor or DIY. Mostly a summary of Vanguard and Morningstar papers, with some numbers on the investment return...
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    My Health Insurance Plan's Cost Versus Age

    I ran across a rate chart of price versus age for 2015 when looking at my renewal cost for my ACA compliant health insurance. It's a nice view of one component of what we might consider as healthcare "inflation", but is not due to inflationary changes. Here's a table I made from it, the...
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    ******** - conservative initial portfolio changing to 100% equities over time

    ******** allows gradual portfolio changes with time, so I thought I'd see what I could do with a conservative initial portfolio during the "critical years" I used the ******** defaults, solving for the maximum withdrawal amount for a 100% success rate. Constant 100% equities: 3.49%...
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    Bonds in Taxable Account or tIRA - Spreadsheet Answer

    While placing bonds and other income producing investments in a traditional IRA makes sense to avoid the tax drag, it always bugged me that it also resulted in the low growth (presumably) investment going into the tIRA. So, considering everything, where is the best place for bonds? What I...
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    Dr. Pfau table of implied returns for delaying SS

    Just a chart of the real annualized returns of delaying from age 62 to age 70 for each year you live past 71. I think this makes the financial tradeoff of this simplest case very clear. The traditional crossover age of around 80, without investment returns considered, shows up in this chart as a...
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    Morningstar Expected Future Returns Article

    Some great charts in here for stocks and bonds: A Noble Lie "Finally, it's because the level of predictability is fairly low for the stock market. The cyclically adjusted price/earnings ratio, or Shiller P/E, one of the best valuation signals, will give you only a ballpark range of...
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    Spectracell micronutrients testing

    I just got my Spectracell micronutrients test results back. It measures the presence of 33 micronutrients within your T-lymphocyte cells, taken from a blood draw. I did this through my primary care doctor for $88 since my insurance didn't cover it. However, I believe that was a special reduced...
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    M* article on some of the problems with SPIAs

    This was a nice article covering why SPIAs aren't as appealing in the real world as academics model. Reasons Retirees Avoid Annuities "There are a lots of reasons that people will give you why they're not interested. So, I've talked about this before; it's sort of death by 1,000 cuts because...
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    Retirees and stocks: Sell now or hold on?

    With help like this, who needs enemies (from my Yahoo home page)? " If you haven’t asked this question, you will. Is it time to take your chips off the table? With the major stock market indexes close to all-time highs, now seems as good a time as any to walk away from the table, especially if...
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    Income tax vs. capital gains "fairness" test

    I created a spreadsheet to look at the issue of "fairness" between income taxes and capital gains taxes. To do this, I compared what present value in an IRA would be required to match a sample take home pay stream, and what taxable account present value would be required to also match the take...
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    Pay down your mortgage with an SPIA and get cheap longevity insurance

    Thought I'd combine two or three of our favorite topics. I just refinanced my mortgage at 3.25%. I'm 57. According to I can buy single life SPIA that makes my (30 year fixed) P&I payments for about 94.5% of my mortgage loan amount. Pretty nice if you don't care about...
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    If you have to hire an advisor, put him/her to work!

    From WSJ: Your Adviser Did What?! - Never knew what I was missing!
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    "Are You on the Hook for Mom's Nursing-Home Bill?"

    We've been discussing MIL out of money for co-pays and will we pay for her or not. Maybe we don't have a choice... Family Value: Are You on the Hook for Mom's Bills? - "Twenty-nine states have "filial support" laws that could be used to go after patients' adult children for unpaid...
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    Graham & Dodd vs. "Fundamental Finance" investing styles contrasted

    I found this interesting, though about as technical as I'd want to get. It contrasts Graham and Dodd with other value investing possibilities. Starts on p. 5 of this PDF, which is the "Letter from the Chairman" section of Third Avenue Funds annual report. Also an Italy discussion starting on p...
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    2010 SS Income Stats

    Here's the raw data from SS: Wage Statistics for 2010 So I entered it into a spreadsheet and calculated that if all those people with $1M+ incomes donated all their earnings equally to all the wage earners (including themselves), that would be an extra $1493.36 to all wage earners. Similarly...
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    Valuation Matters When Choosing a Safe Withdrawal Rate

    Video/transcript at M* with Kitces about how market valuation maters when calculating your SWR. Just a few numbers, but he's talking 4.5% with high valuations and 5.5% with low valuations, with the expectation that you will probably be able to raise your standard of living later in retirement if...
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    Roth conversion for non-retirement taxable accounts idea

    This probably doesn't apply to many, but seems like a neat trick if it does. If you have taxable accounts you are not allocating to retirement, you may be able to convert them into Roth accounts. Our situation: DW and I hold individual taxable accounts that are not included in my retirement...
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    Withdrawals from portfolio - are you tapping equities?

    For those of you who are withdrawing from your portfolio for living expenses: We have discussed how many years the fixed-income portion of our portfolios would last without tapping into the equity side during a down market. That would imply that the equity side of the portfolio would not have...
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    Cash versus Equities chart, bad behavior

    Here's a neat chart from Fidelity ( Way to go guys, bulk up your cash at the market bottom and hang onto it through a 30% market rise! I hope most of us are doing a little...
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    So what does your annualized rate of return YTD look like now? heh heh

    Quicken reports a rate of return year-to-date for one of my funds at -99.99%! I guess it won't go below -100% or I might have done worse for a few funds. My full retirement portfolio is showing -70.57% annualized rate of return year to date. So lets hope this trend doesn't continue all year...
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