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  1. ladelfina

    Interesting tale about the division of some found cash

    Cash found in Ohio house's walls becomes nightmare - Yahoo! News
  2. ladelfina

    Recession dawns on NYT

    Their living sections usually have features about designer doghouses or tableware from Fortunoff.. I thought this was telling. Three for three!
  3. ladelfina

    Check out the bailout bills (and others)

    posted this in a thread elsewhere but I thought it was worth a top-level shout out.. A great idea.. you can navigate to and comment on each section.
  4. ladelfina

    Bailout: WHO will be bailed out? (sorry, turned out long..)

    Press Gaggle Via Conference Call with Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto on the Economy via Open Left:: There Is No Crisis--Summary This Fratto 'gaggle' is worth a tiny bit of Fisking: "a clean bill" means no strings attached. If transparency and oversight were so important, why is that not...
  5. ladelfina

    editing thread title or deleting thread?

    ugh. I just had a brain fart and put up a new thread with a title with some errors. I know I can edit the post but not the title. However, for regular reply posts there's the option to delete the post entirely. I'd have done this to correct the error and re-post the New Thread, but that...
  6. ladelfina

    Bailout: Buffett places his bet on the winner

    Buffett Buying $5 Billion Stake In Goldman Sachs
  7. ladelfina

    tiny button fix: "Save" edited comment sometimes = "Vote Now"

    The title says it all. Every once in a while, when I've edited a comment, the "Save" button reads "Vote Now". Obviously a v. minor glitch and does not affect functionality, but I thought I would report it anyway if it hasn't been noticed already. Ciao! :)
  8. ladelfina

    Roll Call: admin. says bailout in the works for months; reps will have only days?

    White House Dispatches Team to Push Economic Bill - Roll Call Hey! There is only one chance to do this right (or less wrong).. so why would you need more than a couple days to review it? Just sign the check already!
  9. ladelfina

    Bailout e-mail .. too funny

    Bailout Satire
  10. ladelfina

    Funny/annoying grammatical mistakes and odd neologisms

    I love languages, and don't mind other people being pedants or being a pedant myself at times. Harley hates the exchange of "exasperate" for "exacerbate". Recently I've seen the classic "Marshall Law", and this new one: "X will be the deathnail of Z". I thought that was quite inventive! What...
  11. ladelfina

    who's into podcasts? Favorites?

    I've had a 20G iPod for 5 years (going-away gift from bus. partners). It never attracted my interest all that much.. I put a couple of CDs on it, but don't have a desire to listen to music when I am out and about, so it languished. Then talking with my sister about how she likes to listen to...
  12. ladelfina

    state of the economy; WSJ article

    came up in the now-closed Palin thread, but I thought it was worth a discussion, not least because I'd already written the response.. ;) I hope we can stay in money territory. I posted this link, expressing disdain: Bush Has a Good Economic Record - ERD50 asked: ERD50 (and anyone...
  13. ladelfina

    what % of members have turned off the Soap Box entirely?

    Just out of curiosity.. since there was a 'forum-wide' election poll there. Is that a statistic that the moderators have access to, and can reveal?
  14. ladelfina

    funny investor sentiment graph

    found by way of: naked capitalism I don't think anyone who is honest with themselves has completely avoided having any of these reactions.. :)
  15. ladelfina

    Peak Golf? frugal tip and lethal concerns

    Never was into golf nor knew anyone who was.. but new golf-centered developments are hurting.. Calculated Risk: We're All Not Golfers Now FRUGAL TIP (from the comments): Not to get totally down on golf.. just as a friendly advisory warning, though.. them pesticides can be lethal, not just to...
  16. ladelfina

    wine experts: purpose of tiny non-tweezers in corkscrew?

    I Googled around but couldn't come up with anything that would help me ascertain the purpose behind a small thin folded metal strip that sits in a little slot inside the metal handle of a two-stage waiter's-type folding corkscrew I bought. The brand is Fackelmann but their web site doesn't show...
  17. ladelfina

    Interesting interviews with anonymous hedge fund manager People have made fun of my ideas about debt and the financial system. These interviews are worth reading for a variety of reasons, but I would like to highlight phrases from both articles...
  18. ladelfina

    Oy! downgrade of US debt < aliens and psychics

    [sorry, title should not read "downgrade" explicitly.. I can't change it now but let's say 'extreme devaluation'] as of now: psychics thread: 837 views extraterrestrials thread: 302 views AAA CDO write-off thread: 202 views Not looking to win a popularity contest.. but curious that...
  19. ladelfina

    National Australia Bank writes down 90% of US AAA CDOs

    brewer will say that this is all in my head: NAB in dire US warning | Bad debt bombshell from National Australia Bank | Herald Sun This is Australia's largest bank.
  20. ladelfina

    Freakonomics: Financial literacy

    some good comments: Are We a Nation of Financial Illiterates? - Freakonomics - Opinion - New York Times Blog
  21. ladelfina

    Poll: influences? Spendthrift or frugal?

    trying to think about the nature/nurture issue of why some people have more or less capacity to save, raised in several recent threads. I'm taking as a given that people here have already adopted, or at least are flirting with, the Frugal path. But some histories I know are checkered!! ;) So...
  22. ladelfina

    FICO and credit; credit 'literacy'; experiences?

    On the "stupid debtor" thread, some people started talking about financial literacy and Citric Acid brought up FICO as a litmus test. I had come across a couple of interesting threads in the past week or so of surfing: Elizabeth Warren on the Credit Card Industry : NPR CreditBloggers: FICO's...
  23. ladelfina

    Good NYT personal exploration on end-of-life care/aging parents

    What I Wish Id Done Differently - Caring for Elderly Parents – The New Old Age blog –
  24. ladelfina

    the past (and future?) of food; a limited view

    Spinoff from a post by samclem on the "Depression" thread, talking about energy efficiency (consumption/GDP) and how much room Americans have to cut back. I've been realizing that most traditional foods here don't require a lot of energy for pre-domestic preparation and processing. They are...
  25. ladelfina

    This is reported as a "spat"! (CDOs) / Home UK / UK - UBS in spat with hedge fund over CDO Well, you have to hand it to them, they certainly aren't raving like CNBC.
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