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  1. V

    feeling lonely.

    It is a combination of other things, but I feel like an outsider with my friends because I have the desire to retire early and live within my means. We had good circle of friends (which i did believe) but our relationship changed. Especially when we had kids. I dont see eyes to eyes anymore...
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    Wearing too many hats.

    My wife is due in two weeks with our second child. Our first is 27 months old. Needless to say, my wife has been out of commission for a while. A quick reminder of myself: I am 34 yo and would like to be able to retire in 3 yrs. I am a civil engineer working for a construction company. I own...
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    Burned by FIRE

    I am physically, mentally, and emotionaly burned out. I am 33 yrs olds and my goal was to retire at 35 or atleast be FI at that time. My wife is 32 years old and has not worked for 2 1/2 years. We are lucky enough that she has the option not to work and instead be a full time mommy to our 18...
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    Hot Property

    I am in a delimea about a property that I am pursuing. It is definately a fixer upper. A triplex that has been on market since Oct. 05. It was listed at $189K, dropped to $169K and now to $149K. The next triplex cost $220 that need fixing and in an area that is farther away. The average cost is...
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    slum lording

    Hello all. Introduction about myself: I am from Ottawa, Canada, 32 yrs old, DW is 31 and new baby boy - 4months Our single 4b home is paid off. We own 6 rental units with great tenants and will be completed paid off in 5yrs or 4 if we make aggressive payment. I am in the process of buy a...
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