Search results

  1. gettingthere

    3rd Shift Job

    About 40 years ago, I worked as a computer operator for a company that ran it's major batch operations overnight, to post the day's customer activities and have accounts updated and statements and bills available by opening of business in the morning. As the most recent hire I was assigned to...
  2. gettingthere

    Chase more money or my Dreams?

    Enjoy yourself; it's later than you think!
  3. gettingthere

    YMO, the opposite of one more year

    OMYTEL One more year to enjoy life
  4. gettingthere

    Can anyone read this?

    OK, I give up, since I can't even tell what the letters are. Sorry.
  5. gettingthere

    Can anyone read this?

    Oops, sorry. But still, a larger sample of the handwriting might help.
  6. gettingthere

    Can anyone read this?

    Can you provide a larger clip, with translation? Seeing how letters are written elsewhere may help identify some of these. That said, my guess is the first word is Joannes ? then Henri u? y? Second word on second line looks like maybe Anna?
  7. gettingthere

    Macular Degeneration and Kindle

    My mother, in her 90's, had a pronounced tremor in her hands. This made operating a touch screen reader difficult, since a touch usually ended up as multiple taps, and multiple screen advances. We found that an Echo (Alexa) speaker worked well with audible books, and she could use it to...
  8. gettingthere

    PSA: My Social Security Site updated

    I don't see it on my home page either. I am over my full retirement age; I wonder if that makes a difference.
  9. gettingthere

    Is it Just Me ? Opening Things !

    Regarding the string stitching on birdseed, feed, or charcoal bags, I was taught: "When all else is done and said, it's the right-hand end of the single thread" So, you would turn the bag in the video around so the single thread faces you, then pull the right end. That has always worked for me.
  10. gettingthere

    SS Online Application, proof of identity in these times.

    Thanks, that's good to know.
  11. gettingthere

    Poll: Do you have a Bank Safety Deposit Box?

    Yes. Important papers and data backup.
  12. gettingthere

    SS Online Application, proof of identity in these times.

    When I applied for Medicare in 2018, I was asked to provide originals of Birth Certificate (born in a US Army Hospital in Austria, to American parents) Consular Report of Birth Abroad Certificate of Citizenship I brought these to my regional Social Security office in person, they took copies...
  13. gettingthere

    Manhattan Life thru Boomer Benefits

    Thank you, I will check with my dentist to see if he accepts any of these plans and see if he can calculate what my savings might be for any anticipated work.
  14. gettingthere

    Manhattan Life thru Boomer Benefits

    Is there any benefit to dental insurance in that you would get a "negotiated" lower price for services? Or doesn't it work like that? For example (using made up numbers) in Medical insurance, the amount you are billed might be $1500, the negotiated amount the insurance would allow for that...
  15. gettingthere

    Iced Tea

    I agree the Pure Leaf tea is pretty good.
  16. gettingthere

    Iced Tea

    OK, Since we have an Iced Coffee thread, I thought I would start an Iced Tea thread. What is your favorite method to make Iced Tea? Mine: I have a small collection of jam jars with handles and lids that I have saved over the years. I think these are 12 oz. or maybe 10 oz. I put a teabag into a...
  17. gettingthere

    Your oldest device or gadget

    Sunbeam Handheld Mixer from the early 1960s. Works just fine. Cost 3 S&H Green Stamp Books.
  18. gettingthere

    Personal Hair Cutting Product recommendation?

    Another vote here for the Flowbee. I have used one for over thirty years. Works great.
  19. gettingthere

    Funny Tuesday Videos

    Corona Virus Quarantine
  20. gettingthere

    Ten Favorite Movies of All Time

    I agree with so many others have listed. I'd like to add: The Odd Couple
  21. gettingthere

    What do you do/take for hand arthritis?

    This has my experience as well. I try to follow a lower carb diet, but when I lapse and "overindulge", in bread especially, my hand pain comes back. Small amounts of dense whole grain bread don't seem to bother me. It's the wonderful fresh baked ciabatta, soudough, Portuguese rolls, French...
  22. gettingthere

    current favorite youtube channel

    Some of my favorites: Mustie1 – Repairs, restores, refurbishes all kinds of motors, vehicles, garden equipment, power tools, etc. Instructional and fun to watch. CruisingTheCut – Life aboard a narrowboat on the UK canal network. Harry Rogers – Leather work, green woodworking and related crafts.
  23. gettingthere

    "So... what kind of peanut butter does a groundhog like?"

    Years ago we had a woodchuck we wanted to get rid of. Used a large Havahart trap and relocated it (I've since learned this is not legal in my area). I watched what plants they were eating, and used what appeared to be their favorite as bait. Violets. Dug them, potted them in a shallow tray...
  24. gettingthere

    Love or Hate Cilantro

    I love cilantro. I think cilantro and lime would make a marvelous scent for a soap!
  25. gettingthere

    Alexa poll update

    I have an Echo in my bedroom and one in the living room. I listen to news, weather reports, Audible books, music, also have a few smart lights and outlets, and use it as a timer. I also put one in my Mom's Assisted Living apartment and use it to communicate with her. Either of us can call the...
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