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  1. G

    Lt. Gen Sanchez "No End in Sight" in Iraq

    We do not know what Lt Gen Sanchez told his superiors, do we? This current administraton doesn't seem too open to critical suggestions. How many people, committees, etc HAVE told the president his strategy is flawed - and what has been the result? By the way, you also served for my right to...
  2. G

    This Armenian Bill is well Nuts.

    When will the Republicans do the same????
  3. G

    Lt. Gen Sanchez "No End in Sight" in Iraq

    [ Hmmm, you have "absolutely no respect" for a Lt General, given his service to our country? Sounds like you don't support our troops.... He served our country to protect our right to speak out against what we feel is wrong - he's earned my respect....
  4. G

    This Armenian Bill is well Nuts.

    So let me get his straight - if we admonish our so called great ally Turkey by defining their massacre of 1.5 Million Armenians as a holocaust - the result is that they will then wipe out the Kurds. Hmmmm - interesting ally we have there.....
  5. G

    New republican party convention logo

    Maybe the elephant should be mounting a map of the United States....that's what they've done to this country!
  6. G

    Craig Vows to Stay in Senate

    He's showing the integrity that seems to be consistent wit the Republicans in Congress (and the White House). He consistently votes and speaks out against gay rights - yet he is gay. He said he would resign on Sept 30, then said he would resign if the judge wouldn't let him recant his GUILTY...
  7. G

    Senate Rejects Regulating Iraq Combat Tours

    In general, your point is correct. The problem is that in this case - the same people that lied to get us into this mess are the ones giving us optimistic "progress" reports (which are not in agreement with other unbiased reports) and are trying to convince us that they are capable of developing...
  8. G

    Senate Rejects Regulating Iraq Combat Tours

    By the way - these things you cite are not evidence we are winning ("increased number of US troops present" - as a sign of success??? I hope you're joking...). To provide evidence of winning, you must first define what constitutes a "win". There has never been any definition of what a "win"...
  9. G

    Senate Rejects Regulating Iraq Combat Tours

    This is classic conservative act when dodging fault. When wrong - put off the discussion for another day (remember after Katrina how we shouldn't play the "blame game" - even though Bush, Brownie, and Chertoff were clearly flat on their asses). Unfortunately it worked - and the only scapegoat...
  10. G

    University of Florida student tasered at John Kerry Talk....

    You'd think in our wonderful "free" society, we'd be a little more tolerant of a concerned citizen asking a relevant question. Not everybody is as "normal" as you and I....can't we show enough tolerance as a society to let an opinion be voiced? And by the way - who decides when a question...
  11. G

    Classic: What happened to the dinosaurs?

    The GOP debates - not a majority - but let's face it - even one is too many (and somewhat embarrasing) YouTube - GOP Debate - Evolution Question
  12. G

    Experience buying vehicles via eBay?

    I have bought two vehicles on Ebay. The advantages were that I got the cars for a VERY good price, and that I didn't have to deal with any car dealers. My recommendations to help you not get ripped off - 1) Use CarFax - it may not find everything but it's better than nothing 2) Buy from a...
  13. G

    Does the US need for oil drive them to war?

    I think this war is ALL about politics........after all there were NO WMD's, Saddam had NO ties to Bin Laden, and Iraq wasn't threatening, and wasn't in a position to threaten anyone. I wasn't trying to get too political (although I suppose I can't help it) - but it seems that the truth is, this...
  14. G

    Does the US need for oil drive them to war?

    It seems that tieing the war hawk strategy purely to the desire for GW to help his oil cronies in Texas, would be selling this administration short. We have quite a bit of evidence that Bush is a devout crony-promoter (see "Brownie" for his expertise at disaster handling, Gonzales for his honest...
  15. G

    Random thoughts after a month of ER

    I retired from Megacorp 7 weeks ago at age 44 (actually I had 6 weeks vac - so I have officially been gone just over a week): 1) My insomnia problem is now a thing of the past (not having to get up at 5:00 really helps) 2) Road trip from Seattle to Chicago to see my parents (and the Cubs!) -...
  16. G

    Advice on a good $10 bottle wine

    I like the Columbia Crest two vine red wines (cabernet, shiraz and merlot). They consistently score 88 and up in Wine Enthusiast and sell for $6 to $10 - at least that's the price here in Washington
  17. G

    Alma Maters

    BSEE - THE Purdue University MBA - Seattle University
  18. G

    CBS 60min - U.S. Heading For Financial Trouble?

    I'd like to nominate this thread for the "most off-topic meandering thread of the week"
  19. G

    artificial lawn?

    The turf-grass is really nice - it's what the pro stadiums use. We got a quote for our yard. $70,000. Mowing and fertilizing doesn't seem so bad after all
  20. G

    Share: Age, Salary,profession, Total monthly expense, net worth, and stuff!

    You must love your job cuz it sounds like you have more than enough to retire today
  21. G

    Cindy Sheehan is headed home.

    Actually, alot of us are NOT ok with what we're doing in Afghanistan. This stupidity in Iraq is taking away from what we SHOULD be doing in Afghanistan (and Pakistan) - getting those responsible for 9/11.
  22. G

    FIRE date fast approaching

    Sorry to hear about your friend. After we had to put our dog down, I waited about a year and a half before I could get another one......but he's the greatest guy - and my new best friend. How are the bugs down there at Lake Martin?
  23. G

    Wearing Shoes in the House

    Wow - a resurrection! We generally always take our shoes off in our house. The kids ALWAYS have to take theirs off. We NEVER ask guests to remove their shoes - as guests, they are allowed rights than our family members don't have! besides, many women consider shoes as part of their outfit...
  24. G

    Gave notice at Megacorp

    LOL! I also have a pension that I can start taking at 55.....or later - I wonder what is best........? Right now, the plan is pension at 65, SS at 67 Unless I hear some compelling reasons to do otherwise........:)
  25. G

    Do you believe in the small cap value phenomenon?

    So the "phenomenon" is that accepting higher risk leads to greater return? Then yes, I believe in that phenomenon.
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