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    Stealth Wealth Moment

    Was this by chance on Rte 198?:angel:
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    I have gastroparesis, and only in the past year found that wheat plays a role there. My dad (67) has had heartburn and problems being unable to burp all his life. I suggested to him that maybe there's a genetic element, and that he should try gluten elimination diet for a month and then...
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    Branded - PREDIABETIC

    Why hemoglobin A1c is not a reliable marker I don't know if this applies or not to your specific case. But it's worth reading. Why hemoglobin A1c is not a reliable marker
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    Dessert for Breakfast Improves Weightloss

    I meant it more as a criticism of the study than of low carb diets. The HC women have a 600 cal breakfast, 500 at lunch and 300 at dinner. The LC women are 300, 500 and 600. So the LC people spend most of their waking hours at a 300 cal deficit relative to the HC group, and then they have...
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    Dessert for Breakfast Improves Weightloss

    This study makes no sense to me at all. They are looking at two variables - calorie timing and carb content at the same time, so are unable (in my mind) to attribute their findings solely to either one of those variables. I.e.,what happens when the high carb people eat 300 calories for...
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    I'd suggest renting first. It'll be easier to move to wherever jobs are. It'll also help you to figure out what you like and what your deal breakers are before you are tied down to a particular house. For me, the deal breaker is a long commute with lots of driving, but I didn't have a...
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    Dukan Diet anyone?

    Keep up the good work!
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    Dukan Diet anyone?

    Has anyone noticed a health difference beyond weight loss? For example, my sneezing, itchy throat allergies are back. I noticed this link for the first time when I went back and forth with Atkins. It seems to be holding true for Dukan.
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    Dukan Diet anyone?

    Hi Sarah, The only reason I can think of that I was hungry is because I wasn't used to following the diet as prescribed. E.g., I was used to eating two baked, skin-on chicken thighs. When I switched to following the diet exactly, I took the skin off and blotted any fat. So, I actually needed...
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    I have breast cancer. :-(((

    I just had an ultrasound biopsy done and i got lucky (benign adenofibroma). I'm so sorry about your diagnosis news and hope that with treatment you will get lucky too.
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    Dukan Diet anyone?

    It may not be fair to Dukan, but I'm a little disenchanted with the diet. If you read my earlier posts, I was actually losing weight with higher fat than recommended (yogurt, cream, butter, olive oil skin-on chicken). When I tried to go low fat, I failed miserably. I never figured out how...
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    Dukan Diet anyone?

    Mmm Rrr - thanks. I found oat bran in the bulk section of MOM's for $1.59/lb. Much cheaper than Red Mill. VACollector - weight loss has slowed down for me. I replaced cream with low fat cottage cheese this week. I'll try cutting back on dairy altogether next week. Zero that looks pretty good!
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    Dukan Diet anyone?

    Yeah, me too. Diets only work if you can stick with them. For example, one diet allowed six ginger snaps as a snack. I wasn't able to stop at six, so that diet failed for me. My sister doesn't like the idea of Dukan (or Atkins) because she thinks it's repetitive and boring. Yet she eats the...
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    Dukan Diet anyone?

    Hhmm. My previous reply to Bizladydidn't post. Was it because of the links? Anyway the answer was that I bought Bob's Red Mill brand oat bran at my local supermarket (Shoppers). The package describes it as a hot cereal, but the only ingredient is oat bran. Someone else recommended Hodgson Mill.
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    Dukan Diet anyone?

    I use Bob's Red Mill Oat Bran Hot Cereal. My local grocery store carries it. I don't remember the exact cost - maybe $5-6 for a 1lb bag? Don't be thrown off by the hot cereal in the name. Oat bran is the only listed ingredient: Oat Bran Cereal - Bob's Red Mill The blog I mentioned earlier...
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    Dukan Diet anyone?

    I started this diet May 2 at 162. I lost 7lbs after a 5 day Attack. I lost 3lb (weight varies during the day though: 152-153lb) at the end of last week, and as of today I have lost another 2-3lb ( current wt. 150-152lbs). Like Zero, I follow a routine. Breakfast on pure protein (PP) days is...
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    Pen Fed 5/5 ARM on special again

    Since I had purchased my condo only a few years ago, I requested the "reissue rate" on the title insurance to get a discount. I had to provide a copy of the (then) current policy.
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    Pen Fed 5/5 ARM on special again

    Sorry to dredge up an old thread, but I wanted to say thanks for making me aware of this offer. My own mortgage company did not want to refinance me and would have charged me extra points simply because I'm refinancing a condo and not a single family dwelling. I just closed this week, exactly...
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    Hi, I'm trying to make an informed decision

    I hadn't heard of JD McDonald before. I googled him and saw that Cape Fear was based on one of his novels. That movie gave me nightmares, so not my genre. Which totally makes me a liar since I just finishes Stieg Larsson's "The Girl who Played with Fire" in a marathon session on Sunday. I've...
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    Hi, I'm trying to make an informed decision

    bizlady, I've used both the firecalc planner and the monte carlo retirement planner that someone here recommended. Is the quicken planner similar?
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    Hi, I'm trying to make an informed decision

    Hey, I'm really good at getting other writers unstuck. Of course, my methods usually involve beating up one of your beloved characters. You can't have an interesting plot without conflict, you can't have conflict without struggle, and you can't have a struggle without a big ol' obstacle in the...
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    Hi, I'm trying to make an informed decision

    want2retire: Good idea. I actually took a mid career retirement class last week, hence the struggle with putting it all together. I plan to pay the HELOC off within 1.5-2 years. I know what you're telling me is the mature thing to do, but I still wanna stamp my feet and pout that I can't...
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    Hi, I'm trying to make an informed decision

    Hi Quietman, Thanks for replying. I agree 100% about exercising. I just started exercising regularly at the gym this year. I made some changes to my diet and lost 11lbs since July 27. I also joined a hiking club and have been going about once a month. I walk home from work when I can (about...
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    Hi, I'm trying to make an informed decision

    I'm 38 and work for the federal government in the DC area, making $86000. I have about $73k in taxable accounts, $62k in TSP, and $27k in my Roth. I also have a bit less than $24k in emergency fund, about 8 months of emergency funds. I have a couple thousand in I bonds and another couple...
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