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  1. jnojr

    401(k): To convert, or not to convert, that is the question

    I'm 40 and in the highest tax bracket. Not rich (it's more likely that I'll wind up in the $250K area). I have a 401(k) from my last employer, and in the past I pretty reflexively dumped old 401(k)s into my Roth IRA and took the up-front tax hit. This one's a little bigger (about 50% of my...
  2. jnojr

    Which fund?

    Thanks. I was guessing "advanced" :P
  3. jnojr

    Which fund?

    My 401(k) is discontinuing the emerging markets fund I'm in now, and I have to make all future contributions to another. I don't know if I have to sell out of the current fund, but I will, and dump it into the new fund. My three choices are: American Funds EuroPacific Growth R4 Fund - their...
  4. jnojr

    Social Security begins to run negative

    How about, offer an opt-out to those of us who are working? They can keep every dime they've taken from me so far, but they don't collect another nickle. I get an instant 12% raise, and that's my "social security". Hey, a guy can dream, right?
  5. jnojr

    401(k) asset allocation

    I hadn't. Thanks for the suggestion!
  6. jnojr

    401(k) asset allocation

    My employer uses Principal for our 401(k) program. Their little online "quiz" suggested an allocation of 50% in Large US Equity funds, 25% in Small/Mid US Equity, and 25% in International Equity. My fund choices are: Large U.S. Equity: 50.00% of your contributions to match the Profile...
  7. jnojr

    Social Security: a positive note for Gen X/Y

    Before Socialist inSecurity, everyone knew they had to save and prepare for their own retirements. After, we have millions and millions of people who choose not to save... why should they, when Big Brother is going to be there to catch them and care for them? Same with welfare... it started as...
  8. jnojr

    What is your Savings Program?

    With every paycheck, I use direct deposit to: 1) contribute the employer match max to my 401(k) 2) contribute 1/26th of the yearly max to my Roth IRA 3) deposit a certain amount to a mutual fund money market The result is that I wind up living well below my means. I just have to live on...
  9. jnojr

    National debt?

    ...except spending never goes down. "Spending cuts" mean spending doesn't increase quite as much as it was projected or planned to. We simply keep borrowing and printing money, even while debt service and current financial obligations mount.
  10. jnojr

    National debt?

    Much of our present debt, and almost all of our future debt, is for entitlement spending. There is zero return from writing checks to a bunch of people in the future. We would need well over $50 trillion "in the bank" today to pay all of the Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid promises we;ve...
  11. jnojr

    National debt?

    None of our money is "backed" by anything in Fort Knox. The only thing that makes our fiat money "worth" anything is the belief that it can be exchanged for other valuable goods and services in the future.
  12. jnojr

    IRA allocation advice

    I found out that my GF (45 yo) has her IRA (traditional) 100% in EACFX There are all sorts of alarms going off for me... 100% in one fund, it's rated as "Low" risk yet has posted gains of around 11%... What's more, it's through a company (I think Wachovia?) that charges here each time she even...
  13. jnojr

    Boomers preventing their own retirement?

    Not really. I would say "you get what you pay for", but that isn't exactly true in this case... you (all of us, actually) pay far, far too much for public education, and the result that we get is a sad joke. Sending your kids to public indoctrination centers is far too likely to leave them...
  14. jnojr

    The World is Flattening: CNN article regarding flat taxes

    Income taxes are stupid. Why would you want to penalize success, profit, initiative, and wealth creation? I believe in a flat consumption tax, but there's simply no way to have one that's "revenue neutral"... a 23% sales tax would simply create an enormous black market. What we really need is...
  15. jnojr

    Staying in a motel ... no really - staying!

    That's also to keep them from establishing residency, and suddenly the hotel has to go through a months-long eviction process if for whatever reason they no longer desire the presence of their "guest".
  16. jnojr

    Flexible Spending Account

    I love my FSA. I need new contacts each year. I'm having a lot of dental work done right now. I'm considering getting snipped next year. I might want corrective eye surgery at some point. I use the card to pay for aspirin, contact lens solution... anything health-related. You just need to...
  17. jnojr

    Next American Depression

    1) Savings =! investments 2) Inflation destroys the purchasing power of your dollars... you have the same number of dollars, but they buy less.
  18. jnojr

    Retired by 50: What it really takes

    It's on my to-read list :)
  19. jnojr

    What stops you from retiring early?

    $4 million is my punch-out number right now, and I'm 36 :D I would imagine that it would be very easy to, once you've reached your "goal", to start to worry... what if I didn't figure things right? What if I get some weird cancer that needs $3 million in treatments? What if the economy goes...
  20. jnojr

    How's everybody feel about SS?

    The money is "gone" in the sense that it's been spent. Sure, it's been replaced with these Treasury instruments that are (and must be) payable on demand. But where does the money to redeem them come from? The government does not generate wealth. It does not turn a profit. There are two...
  21. jnojr

    More debt than anybody can handle!!!

    Because fiscal responsibility and Socialism simply cannot exist at the same time. No other country has "fixed" a wealth transfer problem, except by getting rid of it. Europe is in worse shape than we are, but in a deeper state of denial... they have a lot more invested in Socialism, and it's...
  22. jnojr

    23 yr old, debt free besides the mtg, where do I go from here?

    +1 Another book I strongly recommend is The Richest Man in Babylon. Also The Millionaire Next Door Both emphasize "paying yourself first", frugality, thrift, saving, etc.
  23. jnojr

    23 yr old, debt free besides the mtg, where do I go from here?

    Good for you! Congratulations! :) You're way to young to be in bonds. I have a mutual fund money market account that's nearly 100% liquid and pays around 5% Get a few months worth of living expenses in something like that and then get other money into something like a no-load S&P500 index...
  24. jnojr

    suggestions for my risk-averse mom

    This would be a terrible time for a 76 year old to get into anything that has to do with the stock market. And one $100K CD + two "smaller" ones... let's say $200K. With CDs, she'd be living on $10K per year, roughly. Ouch. Is that really all she has? How is it possible that she isn't...
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