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  1. N

    Figured out how to save big through grad school

    So I found my roommate for the fall. I put him on the lease, the landlord did the background check, and he is paying the 500/month. The way I see it is this; the guy is renting just for 4 months. If we split it 50-50 he would be paying 300/month. I am providing him a practically brand new...
  2. N

    Figured out how to save big through grad school

    Ya this is true however with the furnishings, this place is still well below what one would pay for a furnished place here (about 200 more per month.)
  3. N

    Figured out how to save big through grad school

    Mechanical Engineering, although all of my research is in the Nuclear field.
  4. N

    Figured out how to save big through grad school

    It is a 2 bedroom apartment for 600 total. My old one I was in I was sharing for around 550 a person. This one doesn't have the granite counters and the fancy tile, but they put in new carpet and repainted the floors. So the appliances aren't brand new. I'll live.
  5. N

    Figured out how to save big through grad school

    So I am in grad school pulling in $1300 post-taxes per month and have no tuition or fees to pay as it is included in my assistantship. I found a place for rent that I swiped up quickly that is a 2bed/2bath with washer and dryer in the unit for $600 per month including utilities and internet. I...
  6. N

    Are 25-35 year olds feeling discouraged yet?

    I'm certainly not. My short sighted friends don't understand in the slightest that I'm ok with losing $1000 here and there in the process of buying up shares in my roth in an effort to average down. Last year I opened up my roth (at age 23) and I maxed it out. So far this year I dumped my tax...
  7. N

    Working in China for 3+ months

    Did something similar to you this past summer but in France. Was paid by my PhD adviser back home(because he wanted me to go to get the experience), as well as my employer in Grenoble. I had the option of living within walking distance from my work for about 550 euro/month or living a short...
  8. N

    (Soon to be) Fiancee and I each openning up Roths

    Is she working at the CEA? That is where I am. btw, you can tell her to check out my blog. In it I have several posts about the things I have done around here, just to give her an idea of what there is. I actually JUST updated it 2 minutes ago with a long post with photos from my weekend trip...
  9. N

    (Soon to be) Fiancee and I each openning up Roths

    As a matter of fact I am. Please tell me you are here too! lol All of my friends are going home this weekend for Bastille Day and I have nothing to do.
  10. N

    (Soon to be) Fiancee and I each openning up Roths

    Sounds like you are the person who knows the ropes concerning the two! We actually both have our renters insurance through USAA already (I was able to get in it via a cohabitant loophole under her plan.) Thanks for the advice!
  11. N

    (Soon to be) Fiancee and I each openning up Roths

    Great, thanks for the affirmation on the vanguard :)
  12. N

    (Soon to be) Fiancee and I each openning up Roths

    My girlfriend and I are both 23 years old and are done with our first year as PhD students. Our income (although steady) isn't that great. We are still pulling in about 36k between the two of us on our research assistantships and we don't have to pay any tuition or fees. We will both...
  13. N

    Forget retirement--how much is everyone investing in themselves?

    I invest in myself every morning at 6am when I head to the gym with a couple of my friends. I spend a long day in lab doing my research and studies so that when I get home to my girlfriend we can sit down for an hour and a half and cook a nice dinner together. Maybe do another hour of homework...
  14. N

    Travel questions and vacation ideas

    4 years ago me and some friends backpacked Europe for 3 week. I managed to get my plane ticket with skymiles, so the whole trip for me came out to around $1800. If you were to plan way ahead you might be able to get tickets down to the $600-700 range depending on where you are flying from and...
  15. N

    22 and ready to start saving + my project

    Now that's more along my line of thinking! Although for me it's probably going to the tennis or racquetball courts to let off a little extra energy before going back to my lab. There is also the campus golf course next to my building and it's like $14 to play a round for students. :( I know...
  16. N

    22 and ready to start saving + my project

    heh I expected to hear that as soon as I typed it. The big problem I see is undergrads usually only seek tutoring right before big exams, which is most likely when I will be having mine. We'll see though. I'm crossing my fingers that I will be able to do something like that on the side.
  17. N

    22 and ready to start saving + my project

    heh yeah, I WISH I had 14k of spending money lying around! I do believe I can do whatever I wish in my spare time. As it stands though, how much spare time I will have is up in the air. With 20 hours a week being invested into research, 9 into classes, and then another 18-30 for studying, it...
  18. N

    22 and ready to start saving + my project

    The assistantship covers tuition, health insurance, and then it gives you $14k for apartment, gass, food etc etc
  19. N

    Hi, pdhenry here

    Hi Pdhenry. Do you mind me asking which contractor you work for? I did a project last year for General Dynamics OTS, thats the only reason I ask.
  20. N

    22 and ready to start saving + my project

    Ah yes, sorry for that pretty awful wording. If I put money in with my good friends I most likely wouldn't be the primary holder so it couldn't go in my roth IRA account. I meant to say that my first goal is to get my own account going with my own personal investments before I get into any...
  21. N

    Anyone ever inherit land with sibs?

    My father, his sister, and his cousins(2), inherited an orange grove many years ago in Israel. My father and his sister live in the US, but his cousins live in Israel near the orchard. Fortunately for them, nobody felt like dealing with it since they all had jobs they couldn't walk away from...
  22. N

    22 and ready to start saving + my project

    Very cool blog J, I enjoyed reading the article on how to escape poverty. What would you say the oddest thing you have found in the trash thus far? I can think of some things I have thrown away that in the eyes of another would look pretty off the wall. Thanks for the edits Al. Sometimes...
  23. N

    22 and ready to start saving + my project

    heh good idea, I'll see what I can do.
  24. N

    22 and ready to start saving + my project

    Heh thanks for your advice on the book. It's definitely not something I am banking on to put me into ER, just a lil' idea i was kicking around in my head. I intend on working in industry for many years and then when I am ready I might either go into Part-time retirement and be a consultant...
  25. N

    22 and ready to start saving + my project

    Thanks Webzter. A couple of days ago I described the idea behind the blog to my gf and she thought it sounded kinda dumb, then tonight she saw it up and running without even knowing I had created it and loved it. I intend on continue to learn a lot more about this kinda stuff over the next...
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