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  1. R

    Family & weirdness

    And I guess this goes to the heart of it for siblings have not been there for me in the past & there's no reason to believe they would do any differently in the future. I have given as much as most - and more than some - but finally realized I was wasting my time trying to create...
  2. R

    Oldest Clothing You Still Wear Where People Can See You

    I have several sweaters that were my father's that I wear to work from time to time - I'm guessing he was given them as gifts in the 70's (definitely not something he would have purchased or worn which explains their longevity). I also have a corduroy shirt that belonged to my great-uncle and...
  3. R

    How many smokers out there?

    Started smoking Kools when I was 15 yo (that's what my parents smoked - quickly realized I preferred my mother's filtered cigs to my father's non-filtered). Quit cold turkey when I was 33 - was just tired of the cost (financial, social, health, etc.). I do miss the seemingly instantaneous way...
  4. R

    Who have family all in town?

    My family - father, two siblings & their spouses/children along with 6 cousins and their respective spouses/children all live on one hill in Appalachia. My great-grandfather obtained approximately 50 acres after immigrating to America which has been divided multiple times and passed down to...
  5. R

    2008 End-of-year quiz

    74 - although I confess to some lucky guessing
  6. R

    If you were given a "career mulligan," what would you choose?

    I really enjoy the j*b I currently have (although I don't think ANY career would be enjoyable enough to eliminate my desire to ER) but I didn't discover this as a possibility until I was in my late 20's and then after graduate school and a detour here and there wasn't able to actually start my...
  7. R

    early voting: a nonpartisan thread

    I voted early on Saturday and plan to spend election day driving people to the polls. During the primary season I procrastinated and then had to vote with the crowds - what a mess! My polling location was changed without any notification and since it moved to a school I spent part of the...
  8. R

    Exercise More -> Eat More

    I decided to train for a half-marathon this year and during the first month or two of increased exercise it seemed that I was famished every minute of the day. I eat meat infrequently - maybe once every 8-12 weeks - but started experiencing cravings for beef and then actually dreamed about...
  9. R

    Circum-Coastal Amtrak Border Ride?

    We're planning to ride the Coast Starlight during the winter holidays to visit the in-laws - must confess (in the anonymity of the internet) that an additional 8 hours on the train sounds perfectly wonderful!
  10. R

    My neighbor is being foreclosed

    The house across the street from us was foreclosed last year - it sat empty for a few weeks (month?) before a realtor purchased it and had the tall grass cut. In the end a nice, older woman purchased it - she throws great parties for her grandchildren when they visit with a huge inflatable...
  11. R

    how much are benefits worth?

    My benefits are roughly 20% of my salary - but I don't purchase health insurance through my employer - the percentage would be higher if I did.
  12. R

    High costs of weddings...and going into debt?

    By the time my spouse and I married we were middle-aged (well late 30s -early 40s) had purchased our own home and lived together for several years. We decided combine the wedding ceremony/honeymoon and eloped to Las Vegas - I think the actual ceremony was less than a $100 without an Elvis...
  13. R

    Give me Numbers!

    Exactly! I have the FSM emblem on the back of my car - keeps people guessing <grin>
  14. R

    photogram: my gayborhood stonewall festival

    Thanks for posting your photogram - it looks like great fun - and you obviously know how to throw a party!
  15. R

    New York City

    Big Apple Greeter offers free tours by local New Yorkers - I plan to book a tour later in July when we visit but don't have any personal experience to share at this point. Best wishes for an enjoyable trip!
  16. R

    Why move when you can stop making payments and continue living in your home?

    One of my coworkers did this - stayed in her home for a year without making payments before she was finally forced to move but even then the bank gave her $500!
  17. R

    Children: You did or did not have them poll?

    As a child-free individual I am surprised by the number of other individuals who responded as I did. It seems in my "real" life that there are few other individuals who have made a similar decision. Fortunately, I'm finally reaching the age where people no longer try to convince me that I'll...
  18. R

    Caring for Elderly Parent

    After my mom's aneurysm I moved into her house and became a "stay at home" daughter for the following three years. It was simultaneously the most challenging and rewarding experience in my life. I've recently come to realize that my father is having some memory deficits - he lost his house to...
  19. R

    Is ER a race?

    I never thought of it as a race but my mother served as an inspiration or motivator of sorts. She retired at 57 and spent the next year actively involved in her community & church as well as traveling with friends and family. After 14 months an aneurysm ruptured putting an end to her carefree...
  20. R

    The Anti-Primary

    I think the issue of being "handled" by consultants is true for most if not all the candidates. Al Gore & Bob Dole both seemed to me more "real" once their elections were over than at any time during the campaign. It's as if you must trade your personality (and perhaps your soul) for some sort...
  21. R

    Obama and Huckabee win in Iowa the first 2008 vote

    Our primary system frustrates me - by the time I will be able to vote the candidates will already be selected. Although I realize it would anger Iowa & New Hampshire I really think it's time to discuss a national primary.
  22. R

    Where were you at 31?

    I was a stay at home daughter or full time caregiver for my mother. One of the benefits of LBYM and being debt free (well I deferred my student loans) was the option of leaving full time employment to be of service to my mother for several years. Financially - it means that ER has been...
  23. R

    Does anyone live without a land line?

    We gave up the land line about 4 years ago primarily as a means of cutting costs and reducing duplicate services. The only problem was when I dropped & broke my cell phone - it took a couple days to purchase a new phone from my carrier although my spouse still had his and I was able to access...
  24. R

    ESR Job For TickTock?

    Our local public school system offers adult education courses in the evenings with classes including creative writing, photography, carpentry, cooking, dance, computers and finances. There's a fee charged for attendance so I'm assuming the instructors receive some compensation.
  25. R

    What are you not willing to scrimp on?

    Thanks!! I'll have to try them. I found a cheaper pair a few years ago but they weren't as warm and wore out fairly quickly but it looks like the ones at Sierra received glowing reviews.
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