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  1. B

    Does our country's debt of $18T worry you?

    I'll stay away from the politics, because all of our elected officials share the blame,....but..... Does our huge national debt have you concerned? $18 trillion and climbing....that's hard to wrap my brain around. There's a couple of my few remaining brain cells that think..."this...
  2. B

    How many years do you work before retire???

    34 years of full time, 30 with a mega corp. then 3 1/2 years part time working for a contractor I used to hire when working for said mega corp, who then became my customer. Retired from full time at 56. The part time gig was timed to somewhat meet the 59 1/2 age. It also allowed me the spare...
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    Breadwinner or single millionaires: Tell me your story

    NW - $2.4mm, investable - $1.9. Married (same lady sahm) 41 years, 2 kids, both doing well. Single income, started saving the second year of my 35 year career by matching the company match. A few years later, my contribution was double the match, and the last five years of career, my...
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    $4,000 a month

    $4000/month is just long as my 2 rental properties continue to have good renters that pay each month. Actually, $5k/month is a workable number for us. But we have several hobbies, and Amazon is my friend. Home and 3 vehicles along with boat and camper are all paid for.biggest...
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    Blueberry Picking

    We live on several acres in the country. I have about 18 blueberry bushes, with 8 of them being mature enough to produce a decent quantity of berries. In a normal year, it becomes difficult to keep them picked, but boy how delicious they are. This year was a much reduced crop because of...
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    what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

    Spent time with my daughter and her dh. Worked on treehouse/clubhouse with my granddaughter. Sprayed liquid seven on vege's garden. Used my new (60 year old) planet jr garden wheel hoe to weed between rows of vege's. installed a new 115volt outlet in a garage nook for the freezer my DW...
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    Market predictions

    Does anyone else receive market predictions from a guy calling himself James Horne? He makes some scary predictions of eminent doom in the market, and the entire economy. Just curious if anyone had an opinion on this. B
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    What was best stock pick in last five years?

    Linn Energy- bought at $17 in '09, tody it's $36 +/- Chevron- bought at $57 in '09, today it's $107 +/-
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    Average Health Care Costs in Retirement

    I'm not sure how, but would be very interested in the possibility. PPACA does not compare in coverage to what we have now. Also, there is no subsidy available when income reaches a certain level based on tax return data. I think the subsidy ends at aprox $65k income for a couple. However...
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    What's the catch? deal on cellphone etc.

    This is a topic of interest to me. As an old fogie, I use my cell phone for one use....talking to whomever I need. DW and I currently have a phone each, and are paying $100/mo for that service. DW is always texting with daughter, grandkids, etc..., whereas I just call 'em. If I were to...
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    Average Health Care Costs in Retirement

    Health ins for DW and I is $850/mo, and will go up on Jan 1. This is half the actual premium, as megacorp pays the other half. Great insurance with low deductibles, and copays. I'm just frightened that monthly premiums will skyrocket. I have 5 years until Medicare, so I expect to be paying...
  12. B

    What will megacorps do with subsidized health ins?

    I am almost 60, and have been retired for 4 years. Megacorp subsidizes health ins for DW and I to the tune of 52%. So far they have been silent on How Obamacare will impact this subsidy. I gave up trying to second-guess them 30 years ago. Anyone in a similar situation? And what...
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    To your health

    I've dabbled in electronics most of my life, both professionally and as a hobby. (Amateur Extra, and First class radiotelephone licenses). I used to love sticking my tongue to the terminals of a 9 v battery. Have been zapped a number of times accidentally, and otherwise by voltages of...
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    Prostate Nodule detected - What's next?

    There is no single clear cut answer to your question. Trust me when I say that I have sat down and cried out of pure frustration over this very issue. My analytical engineering mind was driven crazy because I couldn't answer the questions, and neither could my dr's. I can only suggest...
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    Prostate Nodule detected - What's next?

    Mr Speed; you make a compelling arguement, however I disagree. For an older man who is not a good surgical candidate due to other health complications, you would be correct. Also, for a man who already has metastatic disease, surgery might not be called for. But for a younger man with high...
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    Prostate Nodule detected - What's next?

    fwiw, a low psa combined with a nodule is cause for concern. Low psa cancers are often the more aggressive Gleason 8, 9, or 10's. These cancers are more aggressive than a Gleason 5, 6, or even 7's if it's a 3+4. A 4+3 is often an aggressive cancer as well. Any biopsy result that...
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    SS Payments at 62 (What will/do you get?)

    1899 2521 3352
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    Rentals and liability.

    Norms, my liability insurance agent also recommended a clause requiring tenant homeowners ins. The reason was that, in the event of a liability claim, their ins would be the first to pay, and the majority of these type claims are settled out of court for a few thousand dollars. This would...
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    Rentals; How often do you raise rents?

    Another thread about rental liability, reminded me of something I've thought about before. How often do you raise rents, and what factor determines the % increase? I have two rentals; 2 bedroom $575, and 3 bedroom $625, and I pay the water, which is usually $45/mo for both. B
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    Rentals and liability.

    Before I rented my first unit, I formed an LLC with my wife and I as partners. I now have 2 units which provide a combined $1150/mo income b4 taxes. This is enough to pay our health insurance. In retrospect, I wished that I had included the requirement of renters insurance in my contract...
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    Prostate Cancer Taskforce Finding

    If you truly understand what a Gleason score means, your opinion on this topic will be forever changed. Does anyone understand that a Gleason 4+3=7 is 3x more aggressive than a 3+4=7 ? Once you have personal experience with what a Gleason 9 means to your future, your thoughts on...
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    Prostate Cancer Taskforce Finding

    More than most posters here, I appreciate your comments. I was 57 at first diagnosis of PCa. My psa was less than 3, however it had risen to 2.93, from 2.26 a year earlier, both tests from routine annual physical. Family doc did a DRE and felt nothing. Said that we would watch it next...
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    I need help with roofing decision

    How certain are you that the roof really needs replacing now? I'm not saying that your ins co was wrong 5 years ago, might be worth another evaluation. It sounds like your home had a high quality roof originally. Even with light hail damage, the roof might have several more...
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    Advice you'd give your 25 year old self

    As I pose this question to myself, a number of responses come to mind. I have two kids (both just over 25), and I have given both of them this advice. When you buy your first home, do not, under any circumstances finance it longer than 15 years. The same advice applies to 2nd, 3rd...
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    Forum REALLY Slow in Firefox

    No problems with Safari on the IPad. Everything is still quick.
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