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  1. E

    FIREd and apprehensive about it

    I FIREd at beginning of this school year, after teaching and military service. Boy did I pick a great time or what? Watching my mutual funds in a free fall since Oct 07 have made me very apprehensive about this new found "early retirement". (It's downright depressing) We are fine financially...
  2. E

    Utma/Ugma tax question

    I have two Utma/Ugma accounts set up for my kids. Do I report the ordinary/qualified dividends and capital gains on my tax return?
  3. E

    Dividends and Capital gain Questions

    I'm receiving my annual tax forms and one in particular (1099DIV) has me confused when I try to add up what little I made this year. Can anyone tell me what the difference is between an ordinary dividend and a qualified dividend? And while we're at it the difference between a Long Term capital...
  4. E

    Help, help, I’m being asked to interview again!!!

    Hello all….Thanks for all the help ....I'm asking for more. I am comfortably early retired. I paid off the house, have a military pension, and 500K in Fidelity investments (or I did last week) that I don’t plan to start using for a few years. We want to use it supplement what we need to make...
  5. E

    Mortage Crisis?

    If anyone knows how to ---- Please explain (in the simplest terms possible) what this "sub-prime Mortgage crisis" is all about. Trying to follow the media is confusing me even more. I don't know how it turned into a crisis. Does it have something to do with variable interest rates that shot up...
  6. E

    Newbee wanting advice

    Hello, It's been refreshing reading and now I'm writing. Here's my short story. I retired the Special Operations Forces after 24 years and decided to start teaching fifth graders. I lasted three years before the frustration of my hearing loss (too many guns from too many helicopters) caused me...
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