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  1. antmary

    Hippies, peaceniks, and the sands of time

    I was in California going to college during the late 60's. It was really fun at first...the blend of plenty of pot, beer, friends...and, youth. And being away from parents. But, after Altamont, things turned, and the reality of the hard drug culture crept in. About 1970, I embraced...
  2. antmary

    Tips from a Cardiologist

    Actually, I get about 1/3 acre done per day. We have snags and rocks to watch out for. I spiral outward from the house beyond a fire-safe distance, and rotate as the grass grows back. Luckily, we have irrigation water from the county, so during the summer, I water the day before. I call it...
  3. antmary

    Tips from a Cardiologist

    Oh, not to offense taken...!:greetings10:
  4. antmary

    Tips from a Cardiologist

    Haha...I am a woman:laugh:
  5. antmary

    Tips from a Cardiologist

    I am 72, and live in NorCal. We have 10 acres, and every morning I get out and push my gas powered push mower: up slight hills, around oak trees, over poison oak bushes, etc. I do this until I get sweaty and tired, usually from 30 mins. to 1 hour. Honest to God, I never thought I'd like...
  6. antmary

    Your morning routine in retirement ...did it change?

    No alarm for us...I typically wake up around 5:30. I dislike gyms, so during the spring, summer, and fall I am out with the birds, garden, and forest. I mow, prepare the ground for planting, etc. I work up a sweat for about 45 mins. to 1 hour...until I am sweaty and tired. Then, I can do...
  7. antmary

    What Absent Minded Thing Have You Done Lately?

    ...that time I stopped at a stop sign,...and waited for the light to change....
  8. antmary

    Get Older, Be Despised - New Yorker article

    I love being old too, and when I was young I knew that I was the parent of my "inner 70 year-old." I love not being whistled at, competed with, or having anxiety about my clothes. What a freedom to wake up and know that today is exactly how I want to create it. I thank my younger self for...
  9. antmary

    Do Retirees Get a Vacation?

    The problem is that we love being home so much, that we don't want to leave! I went to Oregon for my niece's wedding a couple of weeks ago, visited with family, etc., and couldn't wait to come home! BUT, I quit saying I am retired, because people think my time is "free."
  10. antmary

    Type of car you drive and age

    Hi Everyone...I haven't posted for awhile. :greetings10: Anyway, I still have my 98 Honda Civic that I purchased new. The odometer stopped when it reached 230,000. It just keeps going and going, and is perfect for our windy country roads. If I travel, I can always rent a car.
  11. antmary

    RIP Gwen Ifill

    I, too, was shocked to hear the news. Yes, 61 is too young.
  12. antmary

    Not Following the News

    For news, I want just the facts - online I check Reuters; Most of what there is out there, I think, is "Faux News," paid for by the advertisers. I do think I need a news/facebook diet....
  13. antmary

    Know anyone that had to 'un-retire'?

    Thank Heavens I haven't had to go back to work. The mental/emotional/spiritual space I can now inhabit is priceless. I wake up each morning and, simply, enjoy my first cup of coffee. Personally, I know few people who are free this way. Most of my retired friends are doing "something" for...
  14. antmary

    Has Anyone STOPPED Watching/Reading the News?

    I read the news online; I know it's biased. When things get too negative or have nothing to do with my life, I focus on reading, or catching up on the movies I never got a chance to see when I was working - via Netflix. I agree that our nation (and the world in general) has changed from the...
  15. antmary

    Hurricane Matthew

    I'm very sorry about your losing your's never easy....
  16. antmary

    Poll:What's your favorite season?

    It's a tossup between Fall and Spring. By the time fall comes, I am ready for it after a long hot summer. The mosquitoes are gone, and that time before the rains come are lovely. But, there's something about the overall sense of rebirth.
  17. antmary

    Yet another knee surgery thread

    Quote: And I "highly" recommend medicinal marijuana... 😎 I don't know...I remember the munchies from the 60' would be hard to lose weight! :coolsmiley: W2R, I am sorry to hear about your knee problems; truly, I hope every works well for you.
  18. antmary

    Poll: what is your debt to total asset ratio?

    Zero, except for cc paid off monthly. The feeling of being debt-free is priceless.
  19. antmary

    Help -- insomnia

    I am retired...there's always a delicious nap....
  20. antmary

    Well [water], well, well...What to do? [LONG]

    It seems to me that the most important issue so far is the one gal. per minute. That would scare me. Our 200 foot well draws 10 gals. per minute. Plus, we get water from the local irrigation district during the summer. So, we use the well water only for household chores, etc. I would try...
  21. antmary

    Levels of FI

    Have to say...I treasure each and every morning, drinking my cup of coffee, and reflecting on the day to come. Priceless. Remember getting up early to go to work?
  22. antmary

    What have you read recently? 2009 -2020

    I'm reading Heading Toward Omega by Kenneth Ring. Dr. Ring was one of the first (American) researchers of Near-Death experiences. This stuff is fascinating to me....
  23. antmary

    Poll: What's trending in 2050? all are really creative! I think, with the population increase, and the continuing degradation of our environment, there will be focus on restoration - such as "radiation absorbing algae for the oceans," or some such thing, so the Earth won't go entirely belly-up. The new inventions...
  24. antmary

    Before you take that long dirt nap

    Thanks for this...a well-appreciated nudge.... I do have to go over our trust again, and finish filling in what goes to whom in our will. We just finished going through our parents' estates.:trash:
  25. antmary

    Another vacation another broken bone

    A Belated Happy Birthday, Don, and sorry to hear about your injury. And, thank you for sharing your experience, and the good advice. I'm 70. I've been getting hints that "the party's over," health-wise. We're not in our 30's any more. I can't believe that I tripped over a root while...
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