Blood Glucose - Dietary Effects

My fasting BGL had been between 100-110 for as long as I can remember. When I switched to a daily 16 hr fasting diet my fasting BGL dropped to mid 90's. No changes in the types of food I eat.
This is a very meaningful drop! I would like to try this, but in reading I get so many different versions of how a fast is defined. Could you give the rules for a fast, as you practice it? Some people drink black coffee or tea, or at least claim to. The strictest I have seen says nothing but water is allowed, not even medicine or an aspirin is allowed during the "fasting window".

Corn is, however, a zero point food. Zero point foods doesn't mean zero calories. For example, skinless chicken breast is a zero point food. That doesn't mean it has no calories or that you can eat unlimited amounts of it.

Hey, I'm a lifetime member too. In my experience, people tend to take the zero point foods and run with them to excess. I didn't used the terms "points" as I figured most members here would not know what that meant.
I guess it depends on your reason for needing Weight Watchers - if you can exercise that self control without a clear boundary - and that's a whole nother forum!
I have borderline high fasting GL. Doc said cut out the carbs.
I believe alcohol messes with your blood sugar test. Since your liver "processes" alcohol before sugars, your sugar level, I believe is elevated, because it hasn't been "processed"in the normal time period.
This is a very meaningful drop! I would like to try this, but in reading I get so many different versions of how a fast is defined. Could you give the rules for a fast, as you practice it? Some people drink black coffee or tea, or at least claim to. The strictest I have seen says nothing but water is allowed, not even medicine or an aspirin is allowed during the "fasting window".


I'm probably not as strict as many are. My fasting window is from ~8pm-12noon. I like (need) my coffee and drink a couple cups of coffee in the morning when I wake up. On those mornings that I golf (I always walk) I take a drink that is usually a mix of flavored water and apple cider vinegar. I do take a few supplements (including a baby aspirin) just before going to bed so that would be a just inside the fasting window.
I'm probably not as strict as many are. My fasting window is from ~8pm-12noon. I like (need) my coffee and drink a couple cups of coffee in the morning when I wake up. On those mornings that I golf (I always walk) I take a drink that is usually a mix of flavored water and apple cider vinegar. I do take a few supplements (including a baby aspirin) just before going to bed so that would be a just inside the fasting window.

Similar routine here. I fast from about 6 or 7PM until 11:30AM. I do have coffee in the AM with 1/2 and 1/2. BG was 95 and A1C was 5 at my last physical. I am 57. Very Low carb with lots of veggies has helped weight and most numbers improve.
I'm probably not as strict as many are. My fasting window is from ~8pm-12noon. I like (need) my coffee and drink a couple cups of coffee in the morning when I wake up. On those mornings that I golf (I always walk) I take a drink that is usually a mix of flavored water and apple cider vinegar. I do take a few supplements (including a baby aspirin) just before going to bed so that would be a just inside the fasting window.

Thank you zinger. You get clinically important results from a plan that might in reach for me also.

Just a few thoughts from a type II diabetic. About 17 years.

1. Proteins and fats, have little affect on BGL levels.

2. Weight loss and exercise affect BGL for the better.

3. BGL meters "readings" are not consistent. Try the experiment. Test yourself
3 times in a row. Numbers can vary by a lot. (once called mfg. If you read
the fine print, they are allowed a % variance)

4. Test strips are expensive. Walmart store brand are inexpensive, and according
to Consumer Reports are pretty accurate.

5. The "order" you eat your foods also affects BGL. Eat protein first, veggies next,
carbs last. (sounds weird, google it).

6. Wish my BGL, were as low as the posters who are pre-diabetic.
I'm probably not as strict as many are. My fasting window is from ~8pm-12noon. I like (need) my coffee and drink a couple cups of coffee in the morning when I wake up. On those mornings that I golf (I always walk) I take a drink that is usually a mix of flavored water and apple cider vinegar. I do take a few supplements (including a baby aspirin) just before going to bed so that would be a just inside the fasting window.

Without knowing it, we inadvertently practice something close to this 16-hr fasting diet. Did not know that it helps. We eat only two meals a day, skipping breakfast. And as we generally finish dinner at no later than 7PM, and eat lunch no earlier than 11AM, that's 16 hours!

Occasionally, I would sneak an ice cream bowl at 9PM, or drink coffee with cream and sugar in the morning, but that is not the usual routine. Usually I eat nothing more after dinner, and drink only tea in the morning.
Type 2 diabetic for 5 years now with no family history. Went on Metformin when first diagnosed for about 6 months with positive effect on A1C and fasting GL but negative side effect of proteinuria. Stopped Metformin and managed to control it through low carb diet and exercise. Lately it has been a struggle to exercise and walk due to a knee injury sustained while playing tennis and BGL has gone up a bit.

People with BGL of 110 or below should not have to worry too much. I try to keep my BGL under 130 and my A1C at 6.0.
My fasting routine is not very rigorous compared to many of the above people.

Years ago I read an article concerning body chemistry, insulin and blood sugar. The writer recommended that each day a person should spend at least one hour 'being hungry'. That's it. It seems to help but I have not BGL or other data to prove that. Often, towards the end of the hour, the hungry feeling goes away and I can carry on for another hour. If nothing else it cuts down on snacking.
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