Business owners

Don’t buy a business you know nothing about.

Don't forget seller-financed and seller-willing-to-train-buyer deals. However, obviously knowing something about the biz being bought increases the probability of success. OTOH, aren't MBA's taught that their education allows them to successfully manage any business? I'm skeptical of this claim, but I don't have a MBA. :)
Don't forget seller-financed and seller-willing-to-train-buyer deals. However, obviously knowing something about the biz being bought increases the probability of success. OTOH, aren't MBA's taught that their education allows them to successfully manage any business? I'm skeptical of this claim, but I don't have a MBA. :)

I don’t know about an MBA, but I got max benefit out of my bachelors of business degree. :LOL:
I should calculate the dollar value of my state school degree vs dollars earned. :LOL: Has to be off the charts.
I don’t know about an MBA, but I got max benefit out of my bachelors of business degree.

+1. I went back to school and finished my bachelors in business shortly before becoming a business owner. The business education was extremely helpful in getting me up to speed on business financials, hr issues, marketing, etc. And since the company paid for my education, it was even more important for me to make good business decisions to prove that my education gave the company bang for its buck.

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