Caregiver's forums or bulletin boards?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 19, 2016
ER had a thread like this from 8 years ago, so no point in resurrecting that. Plus, its conclusion was that the Caregiver's forums were generally very despressing.

I have relatives with an elderly mother who is becoming increasingly difficult to deal with. Thankfully, money is not an issue here - there is enough - but her health is slowly failing, and her emotional needs and demands are increasing rapidly. To me, it seems as though they are extremely considerate and try very hard to help her in multiple ways. They are in touch daily, see her frequently, and include her in their activities as often as possible. But their stress is increasing along with her daily demands for more and more attention.

They are both busy, and an in person group is probably not possible, but I wondered if there are any good forums that have tips on dealing with difficult requests, guilt trips, passive-aggressive remarks, etc.
Following this--I am a caregiver for my 94 year old mother with Alzheimers and I would like to know about any caregiver Forums
I followed when I was caregiving for two family members.
I would seek a Facebook group. I have found there are many good ones for health related topics.
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