COBRA or Obamacare?

Yes, around age 40 you will start to see doctors more often. Other than dental checkups and physical exams required by my job I didn't see any at all until about that age. Then I had a stomach ulcer (long since healed) and I had a gastroenterologist to see a couple times a year. Also around age 40 I had knee surgery and two hernia repairs a year apart. About 45 I had minor surgery for squamous cell cancer on my ear. No recurrence with that but now I had a dermatologist to see a couple times a year.

Through age 60 that was about it, then things started to snowball at 64 when I ended up with two stents in my heart and I had a cardiologist, a couple years later I had a cardiac ablation done for atrial fibrillation so now I have an electrophysiologist to see twice a year. Last December a spot on my arm turned out to be malignant melanoma, so now at 67 I have a dermatologist, a plastic surgeon, and an oncologist in addition to the others. ( The melanoma seems to have been caught early, no issues.)

This "getting old" crap is a pain in the butt but I suppose it's better than the alternative.

Oh boy... so it should be soon for me. I'm so glad there are doctors to help us when things go bad and you are doing ok now.
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