How much do you spend per month on fitness?

Personal health and fitness is the wrong place to worry about costs.
I understand some peps can’t afford equipment or memberships.
Just got home from a nice 5 mile hike. Have a very nice home gym that’s used almost every day. I’m 64, always active including weights, cycling, hiking. I take no prescriptions. I am lucky/blessed. I also work out a lot. Don’t economize on fitness.
Personal health and fitness is the wrong place to worry about costs.
I understand some peps can’t afford equipment or memberships.
Just got home from a nice 5 mile hike. Have a very nice home gym that’s used almost every day. I’m 64, always active including weights, cycling, hiking. I take no prescriptions. I am lucky/blessed. I also work out a lot. Don’t economize on fitness.
I don't remember anyone saying they were worried, but you don't need to spend a ton of money to maintain excellent fitness, so there's no point in throwing money away in the interest of fitness. That sounds like a rationalization.
0 :) Fitness is a byproduct of some of my passtimes. Kayaking, dancing, figure skating, doing winter prep of firewood stocking for the house and camp, cleanups and other upkeep at my 14 acre camp. I do mornning flexibility somatics.
If you're ok taking advice from a woman, check out Casey Johnston and her Lift Off program. It's a very basic intro to weight lifting starting with very low weights, designed to get you ready to go to the gym with the basic moves down.
Lately I'm getting my weight lifting and exercise with a heavy azz ladder. Move it here, set up, go up and down a few times. Repeat for X reps or about 3 hours. :sleep:
The OP specifically mentioned the cost of running shoes. Those dollars you spend on equipment, bikes, etc. in the past and going into the future, still adds up to $$$ that shouldn't be ignored.
Is that per year?
I’m pretty sure your post above seems like you are worried about cost.
I don't remember anyone saying they were worried, but you don't need to spend a ton of money to maintain excellent fitness, so there's no point in throwing money away in the interest of fitness. That sounds like a rationalization.
Bottom line you can spend a lot or a little depending on your interests. But if you can't afford the basics, like a simple gym membership or new shoes more than once a year, it will be harder.

Like spending on good medical insurance, if you want a long happy healthy retirement, then physical fitness might be the best place to pinch pennies.
I’m pretty sure your post above seems like you are worried about cost.
Total misinterpretation on your part. Most of those costs are behind me, and they never worried me, because it was a choice with each purchase in advance I had full control of and decided to buy. Ongoing cost is low. Zero worries. :LOL:

Accounting for average monthly cost does NOT imply someone is worrying in the slightest. That's like saying someone is worried simply because they have a budget.
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I pay $30 a month for a gym membership (I go 4-days a week). i also replace my hiking shoes/running show once a year (some times twice) and those shoes usually run about $150 a pair. and if you count all the hiking vacations, then it will be more.
I have an annual yoga membership. Last year it was $1200, but they increased to $1350.

I bike regularly on a bike that I bought over 12 years ago (30-40 mile rides on average, with an occasional century). Ongoing costs for that is low.

And then there’s skiing. Gear is many years old now, but still have to pay for the yearly ski pass.

I have no issues paying for activities that I enjoy and keep me healthy.
I am a firm believer in fitness but at this time in my life. I'm so busy and getting all the fitness I can handle in my everyday interests.
I was just looking at reddit (I know) and there was a thread detailing how much money these people spend monthly on personal trainers, multiple gym memberships and classes, clothes, protein powder. . .

My frugal and out of shape soul was shocked to see hundreds of $ going out.

I assume most of these folks are young too and I can't help but wonder if they have any money left to save . . . but that is another topic. . .

My total is zero unless you count running shoes for my walking. Even then I get 2 generations back so they are not $.

Certainly no one would argue I am in good shape or that I don't need to put out some more effort but I realized I'd never seen such a discussion here.

Just for fun. Count what you please as an expense. I wouldn't count groceries but I can see where some would say organic this or special that is valid and it is.
$10 a month for a Planet Fitness membership to do wight training and maybe $10 a month toward new walking sneakers for my daily 90 minute walks in the neighborhood.

Edit: Based on some of the other responses, maybe this post needs to be moved to the "tightwad" thread....:2funny:
I like the offset for doing the lawn. @$200/mo lawn, gutters and blowing off the roof savings, I'm in the green by ~$2000 annually. Just Planet Fitness for me @$10/mo.

Walking the pup daily for a couple miles is free...
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