In life- are you positive or negative?

Time and time again, I am on the a string of true blessings in my life.

I feel that my happiness and joyful nature, make everything happen for me.

Given lemons in life make lemonaid.:LOL:

Went through my own variations of personal hell (different situations, different times, some with overlap). Lessons learned, came to terms with stuff, moved forward...

Despite my days not being perfectly wonderful (how the heck would you truly appreciate a good day without some bad ones to learn from??), most are good, and a good many are down right wonderful!

My life does not suck at all!
I recognize that I'm inherently negative, though I often wish I weren't.

I can't help it. Whenever I hear about a "deal," my first instinct is, "too good to be true, it's a scam." Whenever I hear about someone falling on hard times, I automatically judge them. "Wonder why they couldn't be bothered to buy insurance." I view every telemarketer, MLM enthusiast, and door-to-door salesman as a scammer, just trying to weasel their way into my wallet.

It's helped me avoid getting ripped off, but I often wish I had the courage to risk putting myself out their more often, and having a little more faith in my fellow man. As it is, I just see most people as lazy, greedy liars, trying to take advantage of me.

In my neck of the woods, this is called "street smarts". :cool:
I think this way also because life has taught me to suspect the overly grinning salesman with the flashy teeth and fast talking spiel.
Mostly a realist. Realist=an optimist with experience.
75% Positive.......:)

15% Negative.....:(

5% Holy shizz on a cracker....:p

5% Holy shizz on a freakin' cracker....
I am an optimist, but I still think I still complain too often and probably more than what is warranted.

Japan is in the news a lot lately. I cannot even come close to imagining the misery that its people faced who live in the the stricken earthquake/tsunami area.

While these people are waiting in long lines for water, food, and clothing, (many whom have lost family members and friends) they are calm and do not moan and groan. I consider this a virtue.

This natural disaster has taught me a lesson. I wish I could be more like the Japanese and accept severe hardship without constantly complaining. I believe this is a culture to be both respected and admired by all.
I don't see myself as positive naturally, so I w@/k at it. I look for the best in people and generally see people at their best. In that respect, I am lucky.
I truthfully never thought that I would be staring at as good a future as I am. There is a part of me that doesn't trust it to not be pulled away.

I over w@/k the analysis and get called on it here. This is a good place! Thanks.
Me thinks one must work at being happy somewhat. If I don't take charge of my day (FIRED) I tend to fall into some semblance of despair, ugh! I need to accomplish something every day to feel happy, etc. Probably, result of being a task oriented engineer for too long.
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