Its Simplifying Saturday!


  • Sammy the Owl.jpg
    Sammy the Owl.jpg
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This Thread is more than 317 days old. It is very likely that it does not need any further discussion and thus bumping it serves no purpose.
If you still feel it is necessary to make a new reply, you can still do so though.
Why, thank you, vBulletin, but I do feel it's necessary. And after all, it's Saturday.

Hard to believe it's been so long since the last update.

Our house is built on the north side of our lot, and between the sidewalk and the border wall we only have a planting strip a couple feet wide. It's been taken over by palm trees, but for some reason they haven't sprouted all along the strip. Maybe it's a lack of nutrients or sunshine, but their palm roots make it darn near impossible to dig in there.

A neighbor of ours has been cleaning out her yard, and she was getting ready to throw away a wheelbarrow full of bromeliads. It turns out that bromeliads like that type of environment, so spouse has filled in the rest of the space. Best of all, I can cut down on the water there. It'll slow down the growth rate of the plants and cut back on our yardwork, too.

And who knows, maybe the bromeliads will improve the soil quality for the palms to give it another try.

So what have you simplified lately?


  • Bromeliad 2012 side yard new planting.JPG
    Bromeliad 2012 side yard new planting.JPG
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  • Bromeliad 2012 side yard closeup.JPG
    Bromeliad 2012 side yard closeup.JPG
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I am once again hinting around for [-]threatening[/-] Mr B to "simplify" his office in one of the spare bedrooms. He still has paperw*rk and "stuff" in boxes on the floor, for over 2 years now. :facepalm:
He swears he knows where everything is. :nonono:
But I shall be a nice lady :flowers: and just go to the beach :dance: at Lake Ontario tomorrow while he cooks for and hangs out with the guys at the Legion for the annual Father's Day breakfast.
I will help out for a few hours then off I go to improve my tan and make another sand creation. :D
I just renegotiated my bundled media package, leaving me with basic phone high speed internet, and access to 22 basic channels. That will save me ~$60 per month from the standard rate. I had had a great deal for the first year, but that's over. This is easier than finding another provider.
Oh, boy, our local high school is hosting an e-waste day on Saturday 14 July!

We're going to empty half a closet of our 1980s stereo gear. (Remember "Onkyo" and "Technic"?) I might even get rid of a "functional" (but toner-spewing) color laser printer.

Speaking as a decor-challenged guy (I know, "redundant"), xkcd has found the perfect image to express my approach to home furnishings and organization:

Boy did we get rid of a load of e-waste from our "Goodwill Closet" today.

I won't miss our HP color laser a bit, along with all the keyboards & mice that have accumulated over the years. I got rid of cables & connectors that are only of interest to the Computer Museum. I donated a KVM switch, a Palm Pilot, several old CD drives, a 1990s answering machine that used cassette tapes, and the aforementioned classic stereo gear.

But wait, there's more.

When we were loading up the car we went nuts. A couple months ago we went to a family wedding, and I managed to get special dispensation to wear aloha attire instead of a coat & tie. The other day I joked to my daughter about renting my tuxedo for her (someday) wedding, and she said she'd rather have me wearing an aloha shirt & slippers. That means I really don't need any Mainland formal wear anymore.

I've had a dozen dress shirts in that closet for "someday" since at least two years ago, so I added those to the pile. I also got rid of my last sportcoat. I am now completely devoid of neckties, including many that are older than our daughter. I even got rid of two windbreakers that I've been schlepping around for over 30 years and will never wear again. (One of the windbreakers had a participation patch from the 1980 presidential inaugural parade.) It was a total of seven grocery bags of clothing.

We can play racquetball in our Goodwill Closet now...
I am getting a bag of books together for the library book sale that is coming up. Half of them were books that I bought from last years sale. No big deal because they were very cheap.
Great thread idea. I'll have lots to add in coming weeks as I prepare for a move.
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