Long Wait Time to get Appointment with Dermatologist

I go to the optometrist at Sam's Club. This guy used to work for the optometrist that I used to go to and is very good. They don't take my insurance, but I can get in quickly when I need to be seen.
We just have a yearly visit with our dermatologist. Rarely a need to be looked at on an emergency basis.

By the way, I have had a few "bumps" like you describe and the dermatologist told me what they were (I've forgotten) but not anything I should worry about, she said. Of course, I have no idea about yours, but your description does not sound particularly scary.

When I see red patches, the doctor burns them off. She calls them "pre-cancer." She hasn't seen anything she is too worried about though she's done a few biopsies with benign results over the years.

DW had a red patch which WAS basil cell carcinoma that required MOHS surgery last year. It's good to have regular appointments - then you don't have to worry too much about getting in to see the doctor for every new bump (I seem to find a new one every month or so.) If you're really worried about bumps/patches, etc., get 6 month check ups.
18 month ago, this happened. I noticed a small black dot on my neck. I sent a picture to my derm doctor. He arranged an immediate appt. Took a biopsy. 2 days later, biopsy came back, Melanoma. You would have thought the house was on fire. Same day he scheduled me for an in-house doctor to shoot dye into my neck to see where cancer may have spread. Also, same day, no in-house surgeon was avail, so he scheduled me with an out-of-network surgeon. I saw the surgeon 3 days later. He also thought the house was on fire and scheduled me for surgery 3 days later. Surgeon cut the melanoma out of my neck. So? My point is that two diff doctors thought Melanoma was nothing to screw around with. They felt time was of the essence.
18 month ago, this happened. I noticed a small black dot on my neck. I sent a picture to my derm doctor. He arranged an immediate appt. Took a biopsy. 2 days later, biopsy came back, Melanoma. You would have thought the house was on fire. Same day he scheduled me for an in-house doctor to shoot dye into my neck to see where cancer may have spread. Also, same day, no in-house surgeon was avail, so he scheduled me with an out-of-network surgeon. I saw the surgeon 3 days later. He also thought the house was on fire and scheduled me for surgery 3 days later. Surgeon cut the melanoma out of my neck. So? My point is that two diff doctors thought Melanoma was nothing to screw around with. They felt time was of the essence.

Similar situation. At annual physical, my Dr. announced a mole on my shoulder was coming off TODAY! Specimen went to lab STAT! Results came back early next morning. It was melanoma. My Dr. called me the same day results were back, and told me she had already arranged surgery at UoM Cancer Center tomorrow at 10 a.m.

Yikes! Luckily, it was removed, and had not affected other areas.
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