March 2014 ... Here I Come


Confused about dryer sheets
Oct 26, 2013
Been saying for years "just another year or two until ER". This year I forced myself to commit, informally letting boss know March 2014 at the latest. That has lifted the Megacorp induced stress from my life as I simply don't care much anymore if the projects I'm responsible for are successful or not. "Want to fire me early... fine, I'll be happy to go on unemployment insurance, oh and by the way, good luck with the internal auditors when you can't explain why thing's aren't working properly."

Original plan was to relocate to Philippines (from Illinois), primarily for 2 reasons... Illinois real estate taxes and US health insurance costs. Take away those 2 items and it cost about the same living in either country since we have paid off homes in both places. Planning on where to live may change for a couple years since I may want to take advantage of that ACA health insurance subsidy before the whole ACA program collapses under it's own weight. Hoping for once I can be a taker rather than a giver when it comes to the US government.

Just want to close by saying thanks to those who contribute to this site as I have already learned a few things in just a couple weeks.
Stevex, congrats on nailing a date. There are days that I'm starting to feel the same way as you about work. I'm noticing that those days are happening more frequently. Hoping I can stay motivated through 2014. Best wishes to you.
Yeeeeeha! Congratulations! Right behind you at the end of April.
Congrats on pulling the plug into retirement. You won't regret it!

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