Nords in the news


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give
Jun 30, 2002
Texas: No Country for Old Men


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I enjoyed reading Nords' posts back when he was active on this forum.

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I thought his story about dealing with his father from across the ocean was also excellent.
Excellent... Should be mandatory for everyone.
I guess the link has been available, but this was a first for me. Nords packed more into a half hour than most people learn throughout their planning years.
Not where to invest, or how to make money, but the attitude and the positive approach.
The part about what one learns in the military situation meant the most to me. Not just the discipline, but the belonging part. Tweaked memory of OCS at Benning. While not realizing it at the time, the lessons in working together, the importance of teamwork, and "forced" living near the edge, paid off in the working world. Not a full military career for me, but a never forgotten experience.

Taking the military career to the ultimate... surfing every day... :dance:

Some of us had to settle for body surfing and boogie boarding at Daytona.:(

But ... ain't retirement great! Great interview, Nords...
Wow! I am SO impressed. I already knew that Nords was a talented writer and had a lot to say. What I didn't fully realize is how good his verbal presentations are, and how comfortable he is in front of a camera.

Well done, Nords. :flowers:
excellent video... simple concepts that go right to the heart of the issue
Nords has done more than he even realizes in terms of helping out the military. I've never met the guy, but he's my FIRE mentor.

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Thanks for posting the link; I have already read the book but enjoyed the video and appreciate NORDS enthusiasm for life after the military!
I read his book, I have no military background and I must have read / listened to dozens of financial / retirement presentations. Never the less I found Doug's interview most interesting.
Really enjoyed Doug's presentation. I'm a fellow Navy retiree but didn't have the good sense to retire for good immediately after retiring from the Navy.
Good job by Nords, our celebrity alumnus.
Ran across a photo of someone I recognized on the Austin-American Statesman online website (see below). Nice interview with Doug.
Wow! I am SO impressed. I already knew that Nords was a talented writer and had a lot to say. What I didn't fully realize is how good his verbal presentations are, and how comfortable he is in front of a camera.
Well done, Nords. :flowers:
Excellent... Should be mandatory for everyone.
I guess the link has been available, but this was a first for me. Nords packed more into a half hour than most people learn throughout their planning years.
Some of us had to settle for body surfing and boogie boarding at Daytona.:(
But ... ain't retirement great! Great interview, Nords...
Nords has done more than he even realizes in terms of helping out the military. I've never met the guy, but he's my FIRE mentor.
Thanks for posting the link; I have already read the book but enjoyed the video and appreciate NORDS enthusiasm for life after the military!
Good job by Nords, our celebrity alumnus.
Thanks, everyone! I thought MoneyTips had only refreshed this link on their site. They must have added it onto a content farm or some sort of affiliate network. Now that I know this is on mainstream media websites then I need to do a lot more promotion!

The Navy trains its instructors with video, and I had eight years of that experience while I was in uniform. I'm comfortable in front of a crowd, and I've had plenty of practice answering financial questions.

Waaaay back at FinCon13, MoneyTips founder Michael Dubrow wanted volunteers for video interviews. I sneaked into the hospitality suite (along with a few 6-7-figure rock-star bloggers and financial advisors) and took my turn in the chair. (It was the morning of the first day, before I typically go hoarse and lose my voice.) Michael and I clicked because he's lived on Maui and he's a partner in a VC firm (along with MoneyTips). He's a professional videographer so he made us all look good on camera while handing out a lot of tips to the bloggers who do their own videos. I was totally at ease when I sat down to do my part.

They quietly posted it on their site in early 2014 and we all forgot about it. Until they refreshed the link a couple weeks ago.

This was all without a script, and one take (with editing). I hope I can do an interview that well again someday, but this one should certainly be good for a few years!

I thought his story about dealing with his father from across the ocean was also excellent.
Thanks, Keith. It's a conversation that nobody wants to have, yet all too many people share.

30 years ago my Dad was hit with this situation even worse by his father, and he swore that he'd never do it to us sons... until he did. My spouse and I are arranging our finances so that this Nordman bag-job tradition will stop at our generation.
Here's a search link to the posts about elder finances:
Search for "Alzheimer's" - Military Guide

I enjoyed reading Nords' posts back when he was active on this forum.
I usually check in every weekend, searching for "Nords" and "military" keywords.

The time that I used to spend here now goes to working on the next book ("The Military Guide To Making Good Insurance Decisions") and answering reader questions by e-mail or on Facebook groups. Tag me in a thread, send me a PM, or e-mail me.

And, of course, now I'm subscribed to this thread so I'll get a notification on new posts.
Thanks, Keith. It's a conversation that nobody wants to have, yet all too many people share.

30 years ago my Dad was hit with this situation even worse by his father, and he swore that he'd never do it to us sons... until he did. My spouse and I are arranging our finances so that this Nordman bag-job tradition will stop at our generation.
Here's a search link to the posts about elder finances:
Search for "Alzheimer's" - Military Guide

Very educational post Nords! Thanks.
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