Not for the squeamish

Takes a lot of balls to walk away from free medical care...

+1...that's funny!

And does it still hurt if he gets kicked in the "nads", because it sure looks like he's a set up for getting "racked" multiple times a day.
Thank you! This article is a must send to some of my friends!
Send it to your lady friends; they will appreciate you even more than they already do.


Instant date killer for the ones you want to drop off your list
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Instant date killer for the ones you want to drop off your list
I think you are right. I was thinking of sending it out to my friend more like, "Hey, we know I'm not perfect, but at look who you could have had."

But on second thought, not a good plan. You might have prevented a murder.

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haha said:
I think you are right. I was thinking of sending it out to my friend more like, "Hey, we know I'm not perfect, but at look who you could have had."

But on second thought, not a good plan. You might have prevented a murder.


I kind of assumed he would be more successful in the business world than the dating arena. I would assume in todays economy some business would need a CEO with the big balls to make the tough decisions that may be needed for the companies survival.
I find it amazing that he is refusing the surgery offer because he wants to retain the rights to his story. It must be very difficult living like that. His problem must have been 'growing' over time. Maybe when it was only a 1 or 2 pound swelling he would not have gotten any attention.

The title calls it a $1 million dollar surgery which is pretty hard to believe, but may be reality.
That dude goes balls to the walls everyday.......
The one phrase that has never been spoken to him- "why don't you grow a pair, and make a decision"
Many years ago I knew an elderly man who had the same condition, but it was only 20% of the size of Mr. Warren's scrotum, maximum. He chose not to have surgery. Because there is enlargement of the lymphatics, there is a huge amount of fluid there, which could indeed make this very risky surgery (apart from the anatomy).
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