Peace Corps targets retirees for overseas jobs

Why not just apply directly to the CIA? :D

The peace corps doesn't have nearly the same kind of paperwork involved when you have to discharge your weapon for national security. As far as they know you don't even have a firearm!
This makes me think of the Tom Hanks movie, "Volunteers"...when he gets on the plane with all the volunteers singing and he says "So THIS is hell." LOL!!
Would be interested in helping - but not willing to risk my life for it. Any places where Peace Corps goes that's safe?
When I first met the village chiefs at my PC assignment site, they basically accused me of being CIA. Why else would anyone have a camera? And why would you hike up the mountainside if you weren't going to the fields for work. Must be planning for an invasion. A little paranoia doesn't mean we sneaky Yanks don't have our eye on all those coconuts.
I have been considering joining since I heard JFK's speech a long time ago, but w*rk and family got in between my wants. I have attended a couple of their intro sessions recently. The only thing that's holding me back is the 27 month commitment. I'm not too scared anywhere rural. It's the cities I don't feel comfortable in, other than in the U.S.
Anyone can join the Peace Corps Yahoo group if they are really interested. Lots of applicants post information about the process and there's good information there about that. But no information about actually serving. For that, I'd recommend googling peace corps blogs.
Putting in my occasional plug for volunteering:

Earthwatch Worldwide - Earthwatch

I'd second the Earthwatch recommendation - I've done 5 "expeditions" with them. Very well organized and tax deductible. Plus the trips are only for a couple of weeks, so you get to come home before anything nasty develops.

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