Re @ 53/59?

OP, your posts on this thread have been rants about how your work "sucks beyond words", ranting at the way your company does business and ranting about how paying the current price for HC offends your basic sense of "right and wrong".

For the love of all that is holy please get yourself to a mental health professional so you can deal with some of your anger and feelings of unfairness and start to move forward for yourself and you DW. There is more going on here then your current job IMO. I've have a family member get stuck at your stage of anger and unfairness for years and it starts to feel like a vicious cycle where you can't hop off the train and get your life back. Your posts just reek of stress.
Last edited: the Avatar sigil is a Bear..

When DW had her heart attack a few years ago, I swore to God that she would "never" go back to work - if she would just make it through and live. we are. DW back to work - shortly after discharge. Turning 60 this year and high past time for her to retire after 35+ years with MC.

And all because her DH has basically failed to keep a job for more than 2-3 years the past 10. Oh, I've tried. And regardless of all the due diligence in picking the next company have essentially failed EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

HC is the sole driver. If Congress would ever FIX. HEALTHCARE, we would retire tomorrow. Basically, I don't want to pay $20-25K/yr plus for HC with $12K deductibles. That greatly offends my sense of 'basic right and wrong' so I keep working rather than accept it.

Feeling kinda powerless in the grand scheme of things.

Once I turn off the income spigot, not sure it's ever going to come back on. So, I better make DAM! sure I have this all figured out before I do so.

Don't be so hard on yourself. You've done your best and that's all anyone can ask of you. Take care and Stay strong.
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