Retirement date official....class of 2023


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 22, 2021
Northern NJ/ Jersey Shore
Yesterday I made my retirement date official at my company that I've worked at for almost 34 years. After speaking with my boss, Human Resources and other involved parties over the past two weeks, I made July 20th my retirement date.

It was a strange, almost surreal feeling to hit "send" on the email to start the process. What do I do next? Which colleagues do I start telling? I actually had to rush off to a meeting immediately afterwards.

I feel I'm well prepared for retirement at 65 (not too early I realize) and am doing so on my terms and at the timing I had planned. The relief of giving up what has become a hellish commute driving into New York City, provided an immediate benefit to my decision!

I am glad to finally join "the retired club" and am looking forward to this next chapter in my life and will continue to visit and participate here for great advice, ideas and encouragement.

Thanks all!
Now, what will you do all day?:LOL:
Wow! Double congratulations. You had to drive into NYC every day? I hope that stress just lifts from your shoulders, and you'll feel 10 years younger.

I can guarantee you that you will not miss that commute. :LOL:
I can’t imagine a commute into NYC!
Welcome to the club!!!
Congratulations! The time between now and July 20th will pass more slowly than you could ever imagine. You've told the most important people, your boss and HR. You might as well tell everybody else. Your boss might have already told them.
If you'd had the same desk or office for 34 years, you might want to start cleaning it out. Or at least deciding what you want to take home, and how to dispose of the rest ;)
That is great! I do remember that feeling when I gave my notice 7 years ago. A hard decision but again an easy one. I spent 35 at one place so the ties were deep like ours.

Good Luck and I wish you the very best.
Congratulations! I retired April 28th of this year and expected to miss working a little, no way! I liked what I did even thou it was a high stress, high paying mega corp job. Retirement is (bleeping) awesome! The time from announcing to the actual date of retirement were the longest days of my career, maybe because at some point near the end I just didn’t care that much anymore. Enjoy your retirement!
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Congratulations! [emoji3060]

I remember that surreal feeling of submitting my formal retirement notification.
That feeling was amplified on my last day at 5pm when I turned off my phone and work laptop for the last time on a 35 year career.

You are going to love retirement.
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