Shisaldin Volcano, Aleutians


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May 2, 2008
Shishaldin Volcano, Aleutians

Long ago in my reckless youth I had installed seismic sensors on this and some other volcanoes in the Aleutian Islands. This one had just erupted. No inhabitants too close to it.
I had a few close calls over those years. Does bring back memories.

"The volcano is 679 miles (1,093 kilometers) southwest of Anchorage near the center of Unimak Island, the largest island in the Aleutians. False Pass, a village of 40 people, is on the island’s east side. Unless winds change, the cloud would move north of False Pass and would not pose a threat, Schwaiger said."
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Back in my reckless youth I flew over than volcano at low altitude after departing Adak NAS. Wasn't erupting at the time but still recall how we got a couple of calls from departure control to be sure we had the "big hill in front of you" in sight. :)

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