SS Decisions Could Get More Complicated - SSA 2100

IMO, there should have been some sort of mandatory education that went along with paying into SS. Monthly, semi-annual, something.

Sadly, the level of just general financial ignorance out there is disturbing.

Fifty years ago when I was a teenager, I remember the father of a friend (an educated engineer) claim "...a bank won't lend you money if they think you're going to make money on it". Astounding.

Our school systems are not teaching even the basics of money management like balancing a checkbook, compound interest or budgeting.

What I find most despicable is that the system would be not only solvent but flush if it had been allowed to invest in government bonds at market rates. Instead it was paid low rates that got us where we are.


The SS Trustees report says for June 2021:

The bonds purchased have an interest rate of 1.500 percent, reflecting the average market yield, as of the last business day of the prior month, on the outstanding marketable U.S. obligations that are due or callable more than 4 years in the future.
I agree with everyone that has said that SS is a better option than having workers invest on their own. I think that would be a disaster.

** I have no data to support this ** but I have always thought that one easy way to improve the financial position of SS would be to eliminate the annual maximums. While working I enjoyed the extra I received once I hit the max, but could have lived without it.
People will not accept a reduction of benefits. People may actually vote themselves MORE benefits given how poorly a lot of people save and inflation. I can only see immigration reform coming to the forefront as a way to increase the tax base.
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