Tim Cook: 'Intense Interest' in Redefining the Television Experience


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Jan 21, 2008
As part of its teaser for tonight's Rock Center interview with Apple CEO Tim Cook, NBC quotes Cook as hinting that Apple is indeed focused very seriously on redefining television.
What’s next for Apple? Did Cook leave us with a clue?

“When I go into my living room and turn on the TV, I feel like I have gone backwards in time by 20 to 30 years,” Cook told Williams. “It’s an area of intense interest. I can’t say more than that.”

Cook's hint comes as Apple has reportedly been struggling to reach content deals that would allow it to create the revolutionary television experience it is looking for. Talks are said to be ongoing, but launches for any new Apple television products, which could include a set-top box or an Internet-connected television set, are said to not be imminent.

Tim Cook: 'Intense Interest' in Redefining the Television Experience - Mac Rumors
Well Apple has already redefined the television experience for me. I love the internet connection, and what I love most is watching a program when I want to, yet not having to record it (I don't have a recorder anyway). I love being freed from the broadcast schedule. Right now I have to wait till the next day to see a program I missed - but I consider that a very minor inconvenience. I'm not sure how important "live" programming is to me, but I can see how it would be critical to a sports fan.

The AppleTV is that tiny little black box on the second shelf in between the two larger black boxes. The screen is showing one of the Hulu+ interfaces.


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I just want a seamless integration of a TV and a PC with a great wireless interface. Shouldn't be that hard and maybe it's out there and I haven't seen it.
I just want a seamless integration of a TV and a PC with a great wireless interface. Shouldn't be that hard and maybe it's out there and I haven't seen it.
Huh? What we have is seamless and wireless, although what I use most doesn't usually involve the laptop. I don't care to watch TV programming on my laptop, although watching it on my iPad is just fine. So I usually use the direct internet connection to the TV through AppleTV, although I can use my laptop or iPad as the remote controller UI if I wish.

Occasionally we'll stream something over to the TV wirelessly from the laptop or iPad - usually when it's content that is already on the laptop. The laptop wireless technology is called AirPlay Mirroring.
I think what Apple is saying is that they want to take over your tv experience and set the rules for how you watch tv. Seamlessly of course, as long as you keep consuming through them.

Like others on the thread, we have a fairly seamless tv watching experience already, except we use WD TV media players. The same type of media players are available from many companies, with varying features. You can even watch a lot of media through various video game consoles (xbox, PS3, wii) and cheapo pc's specially designed for acting as a media server ("home theater pc's" or HTPCs). Some of these solutions require more user tweaking than others (with the apple products requiring the least tweaking of all I would assume). Unfortunately it looks like you'll become a hard core itunes user to join the Apple branded fold.

With our current set up, we watch over the air tv maybe 4-5 times per year. Usually when family are here for a get together and someone wants to watch live sports. Or this year, I watched the presidential election debates (x3).
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Huh? What we have is seamless and wireless, although what I use most doesn't usually involve the laptop. I don't care to watch TV programming on my laptop, although watching it on my iPad is just fine. So I usually use the direct internet connection to the TV through AppleTV, although I can use my laptop or iPad as the remote controller UI if I wish.

Occasionally we'll stream something over to the TV wirelessly from the laptop or iPad - usually when it's content that is already on the laptop. The laptop wireless technology is called AirPlay Mirroring.

But you have a separate TV and laptop. Not seamless. What I want is to be able to pop back and forth between TV/movies/Internet from one interface without a separate computer somewhere. Then I might want to check my bank account, update my budget spreadsheet, then pop back to the show I was watching. And I want to be able to pull up Firefox and go anywhere on the TV. For instance, you can't use Hulu (not Hulu+) on a TV. Their contract with TV and movie production companies restricts access to devices that will show their content on television sets. Stuff like that is why TV's are more restricted in their use of Internet content.
But you have a separate TV and laptop. Not seamless. What I want is to be able to pop back and forth between TV/movies/Internet from one interface without a separate computer somewhere. Then I might want to check my bank account, update my budget spreadsheet, then pop back to the show I was watching. And I want to be able to pull up Firefox and go anywhere on the TV. For instance, you can't use Hulu (not Hulu+) on a TV. Their contract with TV and movie production companies restricts access to devices that will show their content on television sets. Stuff like that is why TV's are more restricted in their use of Internet content.
Huh? You want to do internet web browsing on your large TV screen? To stop the program and browse to a website using what - a remote control keyboard?

I watch my show on the TV while I check my bank account on my laptop or iPad, that way I don't have to stop one to do the other.

Well, I suppose one person's idea of seamless is different from another person's idea of seamless.

The cost thing - well - free and seamless are two different issues. Straight Hulu resolution is limited, it won't look that great on a bit HDTV. That's part of what you are paying for with Hulu+.
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But you have a separate TV and laptop. Not seamless. What I want is to be able to pop back and forth between TV/movies/Internet from one interface without a separate computer somewhere. Then I might want to check my bank account, update my budget spreadsheet, then pop back to the show I was watching. And I want to be able to pull up Firefox and go anywhere on the TV. For instance, you can't use Hulu (not Hulu+) on a TV. Their contract with TV and movie production companies restricts access to devices that will show their content on television sets. Stuff like that is why TV's are more restricted in their use of Internet content.
I think technology will provide what you're asking for eventually. But it only makes sense if you're using the 'device' alone. If you're watching with a family, SO, friends, etc. as I assume is often the case for the general population - popping between TV/movies/Internet might be frowned upon. DW would have a fit if we were watching TV and I decided to update my budget spreadsheet. :mad: iPads are great for that, and we have that now!

Not seamless, but you can use your TV as a laptop monitor and watch hulu/+ that way.
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But you have a separate TV and laptop. Not seamless. What I want is to be able to pop back and forth between TV/movies/Internet from one interface without a separate computer somewhere. Then I might want to check my bank account, update my budget spreadsheet, then pop back to the show I was watching. And I want to be able to pull up Firefox and go anywhere on the TV. For instance, you can't use Hulu (not Hulu+) on a TV. Their contract with TV and movie production companies restricts access to devices that will show their content on television sets. Stuff like that is why TV's are more restricted in their use of Internet content.

You could get a computer with dual monitor support and watch tv on one tv and surf the web on the other. Imagine two 60" HDTVs in your living room side by side! :D
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