Unexpected IRS 2024 Quarterly Vouchers Received.


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 12, 2014
Chicago West Burbs
In tax year 2023 year, I sent in quarterly estimated tax payments as I should have due to an unexpected dividend in 2022. In tax year 2023, I had another rather large, qualified dividend, which I paid taxes on via 100% withholding from an IRA withdrawal. Bottom line is that I overpaid and had a 4-figure refund on my 2023 tax return. As far as I can tell, I am not subject to pay quarterly in 2024. I do expect another large dividend in tax year 2024. How much? I don't know and won't until maybe 3rd quarter. I plan on doing the same IRA withholding at the end of the year to cover that tax liability.

Does anyone know why I got this from the IRS? Was it because I paid quarterly in 2023 and they just have me on their list?
Did you pay last year's quarterlies via paper check or via the IRS website (although i am not sure that makes any difference). I paid quarterlies last year via the website and will be paying again this year; have never received a voucher.
IRS has never sent me the vouchers. I always got them from my CPA upon completing my taxes for the year.
Tell the IRS to stuff it, and pay via a 100% withholding IRA withdrawal, instead of quarterly tax payments. You could do that in December, once you know your liability.
I paid via check-in-the-mail with the voucher enclosed.

I think once you send in paper ES vouchers the IRS will start sending you ES vouchers for subsequent years. That's what has happened to me for a trust for which I do ES payments. I don't know if there's any way to turn them off; I just shred and recycle them.
Always pay estimated quarterly fed taxes through EFTPS
and never received any vouchers.
Thanks. I think SecondCar521 understands my situation. I did not owe after filing taxes last year. As a matter of fact, my withholding was greater than 100% of my previous year's tax obligation. I will shred them and forget.
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