Unsure of ER

not much redemption to such a death when you can't even say "at least he died doing what he loved."

The ruling is the most recent in a string of decisions against long working hours in Japan, which is struggling to cut down on deaths from overworking, known as "karoshi." Such deaths have steadily increased since the Health Ministry first recognized the phenomenon in 1987.

they even have a name for it. what a sick world.

Karōshi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Didn't know overwork was a medical term, or even something that could be tryable in courts... but then again, it is a different country. All the information we got was from the widow's lawyer, who said he worked 80 hours overtime a month. That's 20 a week, so if he is basing it off a 40-45 hour week, then 60-65 hours is seriously not too too bad.
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