Value of encyclopedia set ?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 21, 2005
I looked on E-Bay , and not much of anything is listed. Looking for value of 1958 leather bound Britanica set in very good cond. Any ideas ?
I looked on E-Bay , and not much of anything is listed. Looking for value of 1958 leather bound Britanica set in very good cond. Any ideas ?
My expectation is that you would have to pay someone to haul it away. But why not try E-Bay?

As much as I hated to do it, after advertising a nice older set of encyclopedias on Craigslist for quite awhile, at first at a low price and later for free, with no takers, I sat them next to the dumpster outside my apartment complex to be hauled away. Nobody seems interested in them, I guess because of the availability of instant, up the minute information on the internet. I imagine if there were a VERY old set, some collector might be interested.
I found 2 1958 sets that sold this year. One in Cotton Valley,LA for $79.99 local pickup (this month) and the other for $129.99 + $36.32 shipping (in March) from Spring, TX. You may need to list it for a while to find the right buyer. shows a few sets between $150-300, incl shipping. But these are established dealers, and I don't think an individual can sell there.
That first ad has "free shipping" but offers a $40 discount for local pickup.

I have such fond memories of curling up with my parents' 1962-era World Book. I can still picture some of the articles' black-and-white pictures, including the ones on space flight. And the annual "yearbook" supplements. I think this is why I became an enginerd.

(And w*rking all 3 full doggone days this holiday weekend. Which is why I'm here on this forum, I suppose.)
Hang on to the set.

Watch "Antiques Roadshow" and see how much "old" stuff goes for. ("and in those days they would........".(fill in the blanks)...

Especially things that are not current or useful anymore as designed, but are remnants of an earlier age or discipline.

ALL books will be obsolete some day. What a shame.
PS-I like newspapers too.

I get the Sunday NY times every week for 6.00. ( the cost in W. PA)

I read it and then share it with my 92 YO mother. I love to spend Sunday reading a "real" paper!!!! She does the puzzle!!!!
BIL owns a used bookstore, and people drop these off at his door fairly often, always in the evening when he's closed. He shows up in the morning, sees the encyclopedia sets (always in good condition), and tosses them in the trunk of his car. Next time he drives by the local Goodwill or St. Vincent de Paul outlet, he drops them off at their donation door.

In other words, they have no value today. Drives bibliophiles (like me) crazy, but that's just how it is.
I found 2 1958 sets that sold this year. One in Cotton Valley,LA for $79.99 local pickup (this month) and the other for $129.99 + $36.32 shipping (in March) from Spring, TX. You may need to list it for a while to find the right buyer.

Hey! Cotton Valley is about 25 miles from where I'm sitting right now! I'm in that area every weekend, then back to TX for work 4 days a week.
Btw re read some of the articles from the 1958 1960 encyclopedia britinica in particular ones on US cities. You see first a list of which railroads provided passenger service to the cities, and second often the percentage of "colored" population. So a number of items as listed in that vintage of work (a large part of which dates back futher some as far as 1911 when the original of the editions that were continuously revised started. It is an interesting commentary on how society has changed in the 60 some years that have passed.
I remember reading through the encyclopedia, but DS will remember random searches through Wikipedia. He seemed to do that a lot. Sounded like more fun too.
My expectation is that you would have to pay someone to haul it away.

I'm about the same vintage as the books. I think the above statement aplies to my useless butt also ;)
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