What do I do with $15k

Your plan sounds great, sharing and spending time with friends and family.
I actually blew some of it last weekend on adele. Got tickets at face from a friend who couldn't use them so we had a lovely time.
I saw no mention of your age, your retirement savings or your expected spending in retirement. Do you have more than enough in your retirement portfolio?
I saw no mention of your age, your retirement savings or your expected spending in retirement. Do you have more than enough in your retirement portfolio?

44, pretty much FIRE now, but just working because I like it and DH wants to. We saved 65% of our gross last year. I earmarked a little to spend on extras. I'm not frugal at ALL. I like to spend money but I try to consciously plan on what I am spending it on.
Spend when you really need it.
If you love to travel and need a break from stress, then go travel. Take a vacation and have some happy time with loved ones.
If you need to buy things, then buy. Wife's iPad just died, so we bought a brand new one which was discounted by $500 on Ebay. Maybe you've been waiting to replace something in the house or something, that you've been waiting to replace.
+1 agree. Don't overthink. It will make you crazy.

I like the 1/3-1/3-1/3 approach. I used to use this when I sold stock, always afraid that it might go up or it might go down. Duuuuhhhhh. So a friend said always sell 1/3 of what you have. You lock in your gain but if it goes up you still have 2/3 and if it goes down you cashed out 1/3 and escaped. Realistically, this is just psycho-numb-cream but it made my decisions easier.

Nowadays, having achieved FI I don't care and I just sell (or buy) and live with my decision.

Way back when, DW and I got a few modest found-money windfalls. There was always something better or more practical to use the money for. So we often used a 1/3-1/3-1/3 approach. One went for general house maintenance/expenses, one for the kids, one for "fun." Those 3 allocations were not literally 1/3 each. This didn't happen often, so we didn't dwell too much about it. Don't overthink this.
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