Worst course ever taken in school or elsewhere!

Differential Equations: Summer school (compressed schedule). The professor had a method for going from an equation directly to the 3rd order partial derivative in one step which he would use in class. He would not disclose the method because he was afraid somebody would publish it. He would not publish it himself because he was afraid somebody would find a fault in it.

Organic Chemistry (7:20AM): The instructor was fresh out of industry (oil fields in ND) and not an academic. 1 weekly quiz that I can still recite decades later:
"Given a barrel of crude oil, make a ____ (blank). Use all needed reagents and reactants". He would write on the board what was in the blank... examples where a sandwich baggie, a comb, etc. Destroyed a lot of GPAs.

Lines, Antennas, and Wave Guides: Given a X millawatt transmitter of frequency Y on the moon, design an antenna with Zdb gain... The professor was absolutely brilliant, legally blind, and fiercely independent. He had a multi-lens jewelers magnifier attached to his glasses for when he was out of his office away from his desk magnifier. The equations in this class were extremely long with lots of primes and double prime annotations. The torture came when he went to erase the chalkboard to create more space to write... he would naturally miss portions of letters/variables leaving little marks all over the chalkboard. Then when he reused the space with the new equations we couldn't tell what what a new tick for a prime (ex. alpha' or alpha'') and what was an un-erased artifact of the last set of equations.

And those where the good ol' days.
Dont hit me but I found every single graduate course easier than Statistics in undergrad. We business majors could BS our way through alot of things but not in front of the math dept. Music Apprecoation also had its moments, and my Dad concurs. "THey would play 20 seconds of a symphony and expect you to know who the composer cheated on his wife with" My parents were much amused that a require course at my college was ballet. We all had to pick a sport and I dont sport. Best I could come up with.
Didn't take Diff EQ thankfully. Worst one for me was the first time I tried to take Linear Algebra in college (CS major). I'd had it as my final match class in high school, so I thought it would be straightforward. Get into the class and the professor speaks with a thick accent that was really hard to parse, while staring into the chalkboard and writing as fast as he could. He would fill and erase the chalkboard while I was still trying to copy down what he said. There was zero comprehension, just desperate scribbling of notes. First mid term came and it was a disaster, I dropped out of the class and waiting till my senior year to take it, from a different professor who was great and the class was fun. Go figure.
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