Ginger go home!

Would you mind enlightening the members with a brief summary of the article you linked as indicated by community rules?

Sorry. I thought the title of the link summed it up. But I guess not. Apparently not many females are looking to have red headed children.
Mary Ann was the sexier one, anyway.........:)
I'm a redhead (never heard the term "ginger") although the hairs on my head have turned grey. It must be a recessive gene, since no “blood relative” has the same features. I have the features of my parents, so I’ll assume that I was their child (both gone – can’t ask them anyway)

However, I can prove it since I have freckles, burn easily in the sun, and have other parts of my body that still show red hair :cool: .

I always liked redheads (although DW is not one), since to me they were unique, fiery, and were not quite the norm.

It's unfortunate that I'm considered an "undesirable minority". Maybe I should complain to the proper authorities to see if they could make some adjustments to my life? :LOL:
On a side note, my mom had black hair. My dad, however, used to make comments all the time about "blondies". My mom said, "since you like blondes so much, why did you marry me"? Dad's reply? "Blondes are ok, but you know it's always good to squeeze blackheads"!!! :)
It's unfortunate that I'm considered an "undesirable minority". Maybe I should complain to the proper authorities to see if they could make some adjustments to my life? :LOL:
I'm thinking there must be a guvmint program (with a check) just waiting for you..:dance:

Cha Ching..
If redheads are so undesirable, how come 1/3 of women are dying their hair red?

My grandmother had beautiful red hair in her youth. I had brown hair with strong red highlights when I was younger, and I loved it. Never had to color my hair to get that.

When my daughter's hair turned out to be the same color, I was ecstatic! How beautiful and brilliant the color of her hair was when the sunlight hit it. But since the age of about 19, she has colored it a flat brown, black or :eek: pink (occasionally, on the underneath part). I guess she does not like the redhead tendencies. I do not understand why anyone would not want redheaded children.
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They're bigots?

Could be. Or maybe they don't want others to realize immediately that their children are not their biological children (if they themselves both have black hair and eyes, for example). But seriously, to me red hair is beautiful and who cares if your kid is not your biological child, these days.
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