I was written a bad check, and need some help

TromboneAl said:
What a lot of time is wasted teaching spelling. If we just had an alphabet in which there were one letter for each phoneme, spelling would be a thing of the past.

That would lead to loss of information. English spelling preserves information about word origins and history. It is even an aid in learning new English words, once you have some kind of a base.

I think of English spelling as filling a similar role to the use of Chinese characters (kanji) in Japanese. Yeah, you could do do without, but you'd be much the poorer for it. (On the other hand, the Koreans have largely abandoned Chinese characters in favor of the purely phonetic hangul script, though I gather there is now some discussion of bringing them back.)

On the original subject, while I like the idea of dropping a delayed-fuse 1099 bomb, the suggestion to contact the guy's chief to innoculate against retaliation is probably the best one IF any kind of action must be taken.
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