Interesting gold facts

Regarding #1 (stable value), the rule of thumb I always remember is that an ounce of gold has always been worth enough to buy a good men's suit.
I was most surprised with regard to the density. 1' x 1' x 1' = 1,000 lbs.? Wow.
gsparks2 said:
Platinum is even more dense than lead and gold!

Alright.. But how often do you carry bricks of platinum around? :p
oddly enough, I carry bricks of gold around exactly as often as I carry bricks of platinum.:)
Me too - and I always carry the exact same amount in each pocket. Helps me keep my balance...
Interesting gold fact #11 - HowStuffWorks "All the gold in the world"

I believe this is why one can consider the gold "supply" to be essentially constant. Yes, it can be mined. But in comparison to the current gold supply, the amount mined in a year is quite small - and a fair amount is committed to industrial applications from which it would be difficult (but not impossible) to recover.

Just wish I had a couple of cubic feet of the stuff.:cool:
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