Just a nice moment


Moderator Emeritus
Feb 19, 2006
San Francisco
Ate dinner out by the pool tonight - steaks and a nice, cheap Washington state cabernet. Couple of owls were ping-ponging heir hoots back and forth and the cidadas were on then off in a blink. It must be procreation time for the little lizards, cause they were puffing out their red throats like there was a toga party in progress. Fished a little tree frog out of the pool.

About 80 degrees with a breeze - just fine with a little help from Dan's Fans. Neither Lynn nor I had much to say. Just enjoyed a midweek vacation hour or two after busy days. Sophie the big black dog drooled through dinner until I let her lick my plate with a passion.

We planned our next couple of long weekends, talked about the kids and grandkids. Big stretch and yawn, called it a night.

It's OK.
Yeah Rich, life is good here in Florida. No hoot owls, but a couple of eagles nesting in a nearby tower to watch.

I just can't say enough of how great life is right now.
Yesterday was a nice day for us. The sun was shining. We loaded all the accummulated yard waste for the year that can't be composted and hauled it to Greg's family's hunting shack:


I saw that his 80+ year old uncle had been there:

cube_rat said:
It's a Double D sling shot

My father used to collect used golf balls from the courses he played. I ended up with approximately, um, 50 gallons worth after his thirty years of retirement. My uncle has his own collecting habits. They might be trophies; I'm not sure. I've asked, but all I get is a smile. He always collects wildflowers too. When we go inside the shack, there are always fresh or semi-fresh flowers in the vase. Strange mix.
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