One thing I was sure I knew was FALSE when I was younger is TRUE!

I used to love broccoli, fresh, in stir fry, smothered with cheese sauce, or just plain with butter. I grew it in my garden for years.
These days I find I have lost my taste for it completely unless it is really crunchy and flavored with sesame oil or soy sauce.
I learned to like tomatoes, oysters and cheese. I never learned to like
green peas ( I also swallowed them whole)
brussel sprout
cooked carrots
black eyed peas
lima beans
liver or other organ meat
wild birds (dove/quail)
I was forced by my mother to eat everything on my plate as well causing some very unpleasant dinners and still have issues leaving food on the plate. I ceased to eat anything I did not like when I turned 13 and got up the nerve to say make me. End of problem. Now when mom comes over I occasionally serve cole slaw,food with hot peppers or some other item she hates and then withhold dessert from her if she does not clean her plate. Ha:rolleyes:
She sneaks it later,,,but so did I!
PS: My sister has a son who eats everything and always has. She started when he was young telling him that he did not have to eat anything he did not like as they were foods that only grown ups liked.
I hated carrots as a child. I had to eat everything on my plate if I wanted to watch TV after dinner. I would take a big breath, chewed the carrots without breathing and washed them down with a glass of water. I like carrots now. Both cooked and raw. I don't know when I changed my mind about carrots.

Once I grew up, I found out my mom had a lot of food dislikes I was not aware of. She fed us the foods she didn't like herself, and if I remember correctly, she ate all the same food with us. Probably because of that, I have a wide range of things I enjoy eating.
PS: My sister has a son who eats everything and always has. She started when he was young telling him that he did not have to eat anything he did not like as they were foods that only grown ups liked.
A little reverse psychology can do amazing things! :LOL:
I was a picky eater as a kid. I have a lot of memories of stand-offs with my parents.

I grew out of my pickiness in my 20s. Ironically, I came to view my parents as picky eaters.
When I started reading this thread I was thinking that my tastes have increased, and that I now like many more foods than I did when I was young. And that may be true. But I can also think of a ton of foods that I loved as a kid and don't like at all now. Mostly processed foods like white bread, canned foods (Spaghettios, etc) and canned vegetables, most candies and cookies, things like that. There are still plenty of foods I always liked (pizza, fish and shellfish, beef and chicken, some veggies, etc), but to a large extent my basic diet is now an inverse of what it was when I was young. :blink:
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