Your best purchase of all time

Definitely our house, we bought 5 years ago, a couple years before a local property boom. Worth more than twice what we paid for it now.
1979 - a 75 cent shirt, blue striped bought at a roadside flea market in Mississippi. Over the years she kept trying to throw it away. Lost it in Katrina.

Still miss that shirt.

heh heh heh - :rolleyes: :greetings10:.
There was no best purchase for me.
The following were each number one at the time:

A used Winnebago motor home, got to see the USA, spent better than a year and a half bumming around.

My first Hot Tub, left it with old house, then the second Hot Tub at the current house. Outside of course, ooooaaahhh.

One of the first Marmot Mountain Works brand GoreTex rain jackets circa 1974, saved my butt many times in the windy rainy Aleutians, 14 hard years of wear. Still have it.
Aside from DW (my most expensive purchase), each of the 4 dogs we've "owned" during our lives together (not all 4 at once, two pairs). Gave/give us more joy than any "thing" we've bought...
Her mother and I and the OB nurse had that conversation about 2 hours earlier -- I said that I wouldn't mind a home delivery as long as nothing went wrong, but if something did, I wanted the best medical care money could buy there then and now. You just never know.

The bills of course came later, and they were on the order of $15K, but insurance picked all but the $3K up.


Lifetime cost of brain damaged baby = millions.
Lifetime cost of brain damaged baby = millions.

Sure, and when you're the dad waiting for 15 minutes with a nurse in the maternity room next to the emergency ER that's not even the worst thing. In fact, I'm very money-oriented and at that point the money was the last thing on my mind.

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